
July 27, 2021 Minutes

NCF Board of DirectorsMinutes of MeetingJuly 27, 2021 SOME HIGHLIGHTSElection of Officers after the 2021 AGM.Cable beta testing complete.Global chip shortage affects availability of modems.Minutes of a meeting of the Board of DirectorsThe … a ss

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August 24, 2021 Minutes

NCF Board of DirectorsMinutes of MeetingAugust 24, 2021 SOME HIGHLIGHTSCapacity on our back-up server upgraded.Andres Carranco is working on updating our volunteer training program.Final edits on Digital Equity Ottawa reports and mesh connectivity … a ss

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October 26, 2021 Minutes

NCF Board of DirectorsMinutes of MeetingOctober 26, 2021 SOME HIGHLIGHTSNCF's vaccination and confidentiality policies adopted.NCF's statements on anti-racism; diversity, equity and inclusion; and reconciliation adopted.Minutes of a meeting of the Board of DirectorsThe … a ss

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Prior Years

Minutes from prior years are available on www.ncf.ca/ncf/board/secretary.