Division - Revenu Canada Mount Clark Yemensky Daigle Lemay
Barristers and Solicitors Suite 208, 1400 Clyde Ave. Nepean,
Ontario K2G 3J2 Attention: Mr. R. L. Mount Dear Mr. Mount:
Re: National Capital FreeNet Incorporated Thank you for
responding to our letter of August 20, 1993, in which you
were informed that it appeared unlikely that National Capital
FreeNet Incorporated would qualify for registration as a
charity under the Income Tax Act. I regret the delay in
responding. The additional information has not changed our
view of the application. The organization has not been
constituted to operate for the purposes qualifying as
charitable as the advancement of education or as providing a
benefit of a charitable nature to the community as a whole
(the second and fourth heads of charitable purposes as
established by Lord Macnaghten in The Commissioners for
Special Purposes of the Income Tax Act y. Pemsel [1891] A. C.
531). Consequently, the organization's application is hereby
refused. Advancement of Education You are aware that in order
to advance education, a purpose and activity must involve
training or instruction, the development of mental faculties,
or the improvement of a branch of human knowledge. Not every
experience of learning may be considered educational. For
instance, in IRC v. Braddeley [1955] A. C. 572, the court
indicated that it is not enough that something be educational
in the sort of loose sense that all experience may be said to
be educational. The mere obtaining and provision of
information has been viewed as falling short of education.
See Harman J. in Re Shaw [1957] 1 W. L. R. 429 ("merely the
increase of knowledge is not in itself a charitable object
unless it be combined with teaching or education"). Further,
in D'Aguiar v. IRC (Guyana) [1970] T. R. 31, the Privy
Council reasoned that providing advice to the community was
not charitable as advancing education (or otherwise). You
reason that one of the organization's goals clearly states as
a purpose of advancing education (i.e. "to encourage and
promote discussion and study of public information systems;
and to further the broad public information and education
values of an open and democratic society.") In my view, this
goal does not reveal an educational purpose, nor does it
restrict the organization to educational activities. In fact,
it easily empowers the organization to undertake a large
variety of activities that may not necessarily be educational
at law. I do not dispute that certain of the programs
undertaken by the organization involve educational purposes
(e.g. teaching and instructing providers of information and
end-users basics and skills on computer use). However, any
such educational activities form part of the organization's
overall function of facilitating access to information. While
it is likely that some of the material available through the
network have some educational value, it is my understanding
that such material is that of others; basically, the
organization's members. As I see it, the organization has
little, if any, involvement in the production of educational
material transmitted/broadcast through the network. Rather, a
significant amount of the information available via the
network includes, among others, conversations, advertisements
of events, general discussions and exchanges of information
on various topics. Accordingly, I must conclude that the
organization, as a whole, cannot be regarded as charitable
within the legally established meaning of advancement of
education. I appreciate that supplying materials and books to
educational institutions to facilitate their objective of
advancing education, might be recognized as charitable. In
Attorney-General v. Marchant (1866) L. R. 3, the provision of
books for a college was held charitable on the ground that a
large well-assorted library in a college tends to the
promotion of education. I do not see the organization's
purpose as being exclusively or primarily a provider of books
in electronic form. Also, it has not been established to
facilitate educational institutions by establishing therein
"well-assorted libraries". I believe that the organization's
role of providing access to information and programs which
might assist education institutions is too remote a function
to recognized as charitable. Similarly, in terms of the
organization's research role, provided that it was otherwise
established for charitable purposes and activities, the
undertaking of research in furtherance thereof would be
acceptable. The fact that research is undertaken in support
of a goal or purpose does not render that goal or purpose
charitable. The organization's purposes are not charitable.
Other Purposes Beneficial to the Community, Not Falling Under
Any of the Other Three Heads of Charity Lord Macnaghton's
fourth category is essentially a repository for all those
purposes that while clearly charitable, did not fall neatly
into the first three heads of charity. In order to qualify
under this head of charity a purpose must be both beneficial
to the community and within the spirit and intendment of the
preamble to the Statute of Elizabeth, or akin to purposes
previously decided by the courts to be within the spirit and
intendment of the statute. A purpose that is beneficial to
the community is not necessarily a charitable purpose in the
legal sense; the reverse, however, is always true; Re Compton
[1945] Ch. 123. As Lord Hansworth M. R. pointed out in I. R.
C. v. Roberts Marine Mansions Thrusees (Rest Home) (1927) 11
T. C. 425 (CA) at 443, it would be a "travesty of what Lord
Macnaghten said if one were to interpret in that in the
fourth class he meant that everything that was a benefit to
the community was to be included as a charity". Your position
is that the organization should be recognized as providing
public amenities for the community, in that it provides a
service that is the modern equivalent of a community centre.
I see important differences between this sort of public
facility, and the function served by the organization.
Essentially, I see the organization as a telecommunication
network, a transmitter of information, in much the same way
as a telephone communication service, or radio or television
network. In my view, these sorts of "networks" and
"transmitters" are not charitable as fourth head purposes.
The provision of a public hall or community centre facility
(real property) for the general use of the public for a
variety of community activities (including, among other
things, a physical meeting place for social gatherings and
events, community meetings, health recreation and incidental
sports activities) is charitable. This is so, insofar as the
administration of such a facility retains sufficient control
over the use to which the facility is applied. The provision
of a communications network for the public for the overall
purpose of transmitting and receiving information
electronically (including private or personal messages via
the "E-Mail" service) is not, in my view, analogous to the
provision of a public hall or a community centre facility.
The provision of these "E-Mail" services further demonstrates
that the organization does not have sufficient control over
how the facility is used. I am also aware that a public hall
or community centre might incidentally public space for
advertising, similar to a computer bulletin board. Again,
however, I believe that the public hall and community centre
facilities are responsible for ensuring that the materials
placed on their public bulletin boards meet a standard for
acceptable content. On the other hand, the organization's
provision of a bulletin board seems to have more prominence
in its overall function and it does not seem to regulate the
content of messages, etc., carried on the network. Relieving
the conditions associated with the ages (the term "shut-ins"
could reasonably be associated with the "aged") has been
recognized as charitable. Accordingly, an organization which
has been established to assist the aged by alleviating their
loneliness through the provision of social and recreational
activities, or by addressing their health problems, could be
charitable. Likewise, providing counseling to the abused is
charitable. Again, I appreciate that there are components of
the organization's programs which might possibly assist the
aged in a charitable manner. As to counseling the abused,
there is no evidence that the organization provides this
service. Rather, it seems that the organization may simply
provide a vehicle for group discussions on the topic of
abuse. In conclusion, your presentation does not overcome my
concern that the organization is not established to operate
exclusively for charitable purposes. In addition, it does not
devote its resources to charitable activities. There is no
judicial precedent to recognize networks, electronic or
otherwise, and in particular computer networks, as
charitable. An applicant may appeal refusal of registration
as a charity pursuant to subsections 172 (3) and 180 (1) of
the Act by filing a Notice of Appeal with the Federal Court
of Appeal within 30 days of the time the decision to refuse
the application was mailed or otherwise communicated to the
applicant or its representative. For your reference, I have
attached a copy of subsections 172(3) and 180(1) of the Act
and would advise that the address of the Federal Court of
Appeal is: Supreme Court Building Wellington Street Ottawa,
Ontario Finally, I note for our letter of August 20 (copy
enclosed) that we informed the organization of the
possibility of qualifying for exemption from tax as a
non-profit organization under paragraph 149(1)(L) of the Act.
However, article 6 of its Application for Incorporation
indicated that in the event of dissolution or winding-up, its
remaining assets shall be distributed ratably amongst its
members. While it was not addresses in our noted letter, this
would be grounds for otherwise not considering the
organization as a charity. As you may know, no part of a
charity's income may be payable to, or otherwise available
for, the personal benefit of any proprietor, member,
shareholder, trustee or settler thereof. Although the
organization's corporation documents provide for a non-profit
clause, it would be inappropriate for us to consider
registration of an organization which intents to distribute
its assets among its members, either during its lifetime or
upon dissolution. Further, this would likely be grounds for
not considering the organization as non-profit for the
purposes of paragraph 149(1) (L). While I am unable to
approve the application, I hope that my comments will help
you to understand our position. Yours sincerely, R.A. Davis,
Director Charities Division