YEAR 1: PLANNING AND PREPARATION Apr-Jun 1992 -Registration
of National Capital FreeNet with National Telecomputing
Association (USA) -FreePort software installed at Carleton
University -First information meetings with potential
information providers -Beginning of information needs
assessment Jul-Sep -Incorporation initiated, Board of
Directors and standing committees selected -Demonstration
project funding proposal completed and submitted
-Identification of information providers in community
organizations -Development of information provider manuals in
French & English Oct-Dec -Workshops conducted for
information providers -Installation of 20 modems and phone
lines with associated hardware, and 5 gigabyte hard disk
space for first NCF traffic -Preparation and uploading of
first bilingual menus and information bases from community
organizations Jan-Mar 1993 -Development of user regulations
and registration procedures -NCF offered to selected
community organizations and members for preliminary trials
-Development of computer-mediated conferences, news groups,
discussion groups, and polling/voting items -Evaluation of
usage begun Apr-Jun -Registration materials and participation
manuals written and duplicated -Needs assessment and
evaluation research analysed -Modification of software,
manuals and workshops from user feedback -Second round of
information provider solicitations -Workshops conducted for
new information providers -Preparation and uploading of new
info bases -Preparation of first interim report of the
demonstration project