OBJECTIVES OF THE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT The primary objective of the NCF demonstration project is to establish a self-sustaining, public access community information service that can be a model for future FreeNets across the country. To meet this objective: - FreePort software must be modified and augmented for the Canadian context (e.g., French language character support, bilingual menus and commands); - Standards of information provision must be created; - Registration procedures and ethical standards for users must be devised; - Training materials for information providers and users must be developed, including simple manuals, video materials and small group workshops; - Publicity and fundraising campaigns must be undertaken; - Regular evaluations of the organization and use of the NCF must be done. In meeting these objectives, the NCF will provide a living laboratory for field tests of advanced communication technologies, applications and ideas. Communication research will be a central component of the NCF demonstration project, coordinated by a standing committee of the Board. All aspects of the project will be open to research within the constraints of privacy protection and normal ethical guidelines. NCF activities and research will jointly contribute to the major deliverable of the demonstration project: a "Community FreeNet Kit" containing software, organization and training manuals and videos, systems administration and maintenance advice, daily operational hints, publicity and fundraising tips, auditing and evaluation procedures, and the Canadian Community Communication Network membership. The Kit will be designed to bring any community in Canada "on line" as quickly and efficiently as possible. We anticipate that by the year 2000 at least 100 FreeNets will be operating across the country.
Date of file: 1993-Sep-27