Designing Public Space In Computer Networks Here are some sources of background information, related to discussing the future of FreeNets in Canada. If you can recommend other references, I will add them to the list. Please post inside NCF to the discussion, or to Garth Graham, aa127, or from outside NCF to: Barlow, John Perry. ELECTRONIC FRONTIER: THE GREAT WORK. Communications of the ACM,15:1, (January 1992), 25-28. Benedikt, Michael, ed. CYBERSPACE: FIRST STEPS. Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 1991. CANARIE Associates. CANARIE, THE CANADIAN NETWORK FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF RESEARCH, INDUSTRY AND EDUCATION: CANARIE BUSINESS PLAN. CANARIE Associates, December 1992. (Available from Ernst and Young at 416-943-3561, or on the Internet from the anonymous FTP server in directory PUB/NET/CANARIE UNBMVSI.CSD.UNB.CA). Dunlop, Charles and Rob Kling. SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS IN ELECTRONIC COMMUNITIES. In "Computerization and controversy: value conflicts and social choices", edited by Charles Dunlop and Rob Kling. Academic Press, 1991. Gore, Al. INFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GLOBAL VILLAGE: A HIGH CAPACITY NETWORK WILL NOT BE BUILT WITHOUT GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT. Scientific American, 265:3 (September 1991), 150-153. Hart, Jeffrey A., Robert R. Reed and Francois Bar. THE BUILDING OF THE INTERNET: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE FUTURE OF BROADBAND NETWORKS. Telecommunications Policy, (November 1992), 666-689. Ladner, Sharyn and Hope N. Tillman. HOW SPECIAL LIBRARIANS REALLY USE THE INTERNET. Canadian Library Journal, (June 1992), 211-215. Menzies, Heather. INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND MONOPOLIES OF KNOWLEDGE. Canadian Journal of Information Science, 16:1 (April 1991), 2-11. O'Brien, Rory. THE APC COMPUTER NETWORKS:GLOBAL NETWORKING FOR CHANGE. Canadian Journal of Information Science, 17:2 (July 1992), 16-24. Ontario, Ministry of Culture and Communications. TELECOMMUNICATIONS: ENABLING ONTARIO'S FUTURE. The report of the Advisory Committee on a Telecommunication Strategy for the Province of Ontario to the Minister of Culture and Communications, August 1992. Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1992. Rheingold, Howard. ELECTRONIC DEMOCRACY: THE GREAT EQUALIZER. Whole Earth Review, 71(Summer 1991), 4-11. Rheingold, Howard , ( A SLICE OF LIFE IN MY VIRTUAL COMMUNITY. June1992. Search the EFF on-line document library: community-1. life-in-virtual-community /serv/ftp/pub/EFF /papers/cyber/.2. Ronfeldt, David. CYBEROCRACY IS COMING. The Information Society, 8:4(October - November 1992), 243-296. Rosell, Steven, et al. GOVERNING IN AN INFORMATION SOCIETY. Montreal, Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1992. Sproul, Lee and Sara Kiesler. CONNECTIONS: NEW WAYS OF WORKING IN THE NETWORKED ORGANIZATION. Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, Sproul, Lee and Sara Kiesler. COMPUTERS, NETWORKS AND WORK; ELECTRONIC INTERACTIONS DIFFER SIGNIFICANTLY FROM FACE-TO-FACE EXCHANGES. Scientific American, 265:3 (September 1991), 116-123. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Courtesy of Marc Smith , from proposed course Syllabus: SOCIOLOGY OF CYBERSPACE, April 1,1993 Week 1 - A Sampler of Cyberspace & Driver's Guide Benedikt, Michael. 1991. _Cyberspace: First Steps_, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, Introduction, pp. 1-26 Krol, Ed. 1992. _The Whole Internet User's Guide & Catalog_. Sepastopol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates. Karraker, Rodger, "Highways of the Mind", _Whole Earth Review_, Number 70, Pages 4-11 Wooley, Benjamin, 1992. "Virtuality", and "Cyberspace". _Virtual Worlds: A Journey in Hype and Hyperreality_. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, Pages. 57-72 and 121-136. Interaction ----------- Week 2 - Who speaks to Whom, and How? Goffman, Erving. 1959. _Presentation of Self in Everyday Life_, New York: Anchor, Pages 1-16. Reid, Elizabeth. 1991. "Electropolis: Communication and Community on Internet Relay Chat". Electronic manuscript. (FTP:, Pages 1-33. Sproull, Lee and Sara Keisler, 1992. _Connections: New Ways of Working in the Networked Organization_. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Pages 37-78 Week 3 - Frames of Interaction Serpentelli, Jill, 1992. "Conversational Structure and Personality Correlates of Electronic Communication". Electronic manuscript. (FTP:, Pages 1-end. Curtis, Pavel. 1991. "Mudding: Social Phenomena in Text-Based Virtual Reality", Electronic manuscript. (FTP:, Pages 1-21. Rheingold, Howard. 1992. "A Slice of Life in My Virtual Community". Electronic manuscript. (FTP:, Pages 1-14. Community and Collective Action ------------------------------- Week 4 - Order and Deviance Orbell, John, and Robyn Dawes. 1981. "Social Dilemmas." in _Progress in Applied Social Psychology (Vol.1)_, edited by G.M. Stephenson and J.M. Davis. New York: Wiley and Sons. Pages 37-65. Smith, Marc. 1992. "Voices from the Well: The Logic of the Virtual Commons". Electronic manuscript. (FTP: Pages 1-58. Morningstar, Chip, and F. Randall Farmer. 1991."The Lessons of Lucasfilm's Habitat", in _Cyberspace: First Steps_, edited by Michael Benedikt, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, Pages 273-302. Week 5 - Identity and Anonymity: A Case Study Debate and Discussion on Anonymity and Accountability Week 6 - Electronic Community, Democracy, and Collective Action Rheingold, Howard, et al. 1991. "Electronic Democracy", _Whole Earth Review, No. 71, Pages 4-42. McCullough, Michael F. 1991."Democratic Questions for the Computer Age", in _Computers in Human Services_, Vol. 8, Pages 9-18. Varley, Pamela. 1991 "Electronic Democracy". _Technology Review_, November/December 1991, Pages 43-51. Representation -------------- Week 7 - Representations of Self: Gender; Class; Race Van Gelder, Lindsy, 1991. "The Strange Case of the Electronic Lover". _In Computerization and Controversy: Value Conflicts and Social Choices_, edited by Charles Dunlop and Rob Kling. Pages 364-375. Stone, Allucquere Rosanne, 1991. "Will the Real Body Please Stand Up?: Boundary Stories about Virtual Cultures". In _Cyberspace: First Steps_, edited by Michael Benedikt, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, Pages 81-118. Haraway, Donna, 1991. "A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century". In _Simians, Cyborgs, and Women_, New York: Routledge. Pages 149-182. Darnovsky, Marcy, 1992. "Overhauling the Meaning Machines: An Interview with Donna Haraway", Socialist Review. Pages 65-84. Week 8 - Representations of Space and Meaning Reveaux, Tony. 1993. "Virtual Reality Gets Real". _NewMedia_, Vol. 3. Pages 32-41. Robins, Kevin, 1992. "The Virtual Unconscious in Post-Photography", in_Science as Culture_.Pages 99-115. Poster, Mark. 1990. "Derrida and Electronic Writing: The Subject of the Computer". _In The Mode of Information: Poststructuralism and Social Context_. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pages 99-128. Harvey, David, 1989. "The Experience of Space and Time: Introduction", "Individual Spaces and Times in Social Life", "Time and Space as Sources of Social Power". In _The Condition of Postmodernity_, Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell. Pages 201-239. Politics and the Future ----------------------- Week 9 - Power, Privacy, and Policy Robins, Kevin and Frank Webster. 1990. "Athens without Slaves... Or Slaves without Athens?: The Neurosis of Technology". _Science as Culture_.Pages 7-53. Barlow, John Perry, 1990. "Crime and Puzzlement", Electronic manuscript. (FTP:, Pages 1-24. Barlow, John Perry, 1990. "Electronic Frontier Foundation", Electronic manuscript. (FTP:, Pages 1-4. Ross, Andrew. 1991. "Hacking Away at the Counterculture". In _Strange Weather: Culture, Science and Technology in the Age of Limits_. New York: Verso, Pages 75-100. Poster, Mark. 1990. "Foucault and Databases: Participatory Surveillance". _In The Mode of Information: Poststructuralism and Social Context_. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pages 69-98. Clinton, Bill. 1993. "Address to the Employees of Silicon Graphics, Inc." Electronic manuscript. (Available from Clinton-news-Distribution@MIT.EDU) Pages 1-10. Week 10 - Flaming about the Future Gibson, William. 1984. Neuromancer. New York: Ace.
Date of file: 1993-May-26