From: (Louise McGillis) Date: Fri, 22 Jul ST. JOHN'S FREE-NET Basic contact info: Louise McGillis Information Services Queen Elizabeth II Library Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John's, Newfoundland A1B 3Y1 email: phone: (709) 737-7427 fax: (709) 737-3118 Committees: Steering Committee David Gale (Director, Public Libraries) Louise McGillis (Librarian) Randy Dodge (System Administrator) Information Providers Committee Suzanne Sexty (Librarian, committee chair) Technical Committee Randy Dodge (committee chair) PR and Funding Committee Barbara McDonald (Librarian, committee chair) Organizational Status - looking for a home for our machine (Alpha 3000) - working on a business plan - working with other organizing committees in the province - developing membership structure - hope to be up and running by the early fall Software - not yet decided, we are presently looking at lynx and gopher National Concerns - access for remote areas - greater standardization of interfaces - access to government funding
Date of file: 1994-Jul-22