From: Alan Wilson Date: Sat, 16 Jul 1994 05:47:51 GMT basic contact info: Alan Wilson, Chair North Shore Community Net Central Avenue Public School 81 Central Avenue Elliot Lake, ON P5A 1L4 V 705 848 5106 (S) V 705 848 2989 (H) F 705 848 9225 organizational committee structure Chair: Alan Wilson ( Teacher, North Shore Bd. of Ed.) Secretary: Mike Courtin (Laurentian University Field Study Lab) Ways & Means: Mike Blatchford (Sault College) Allan Gibbons (Librarian, N.S.B.E.) Peter Harris (Principal, N.S.B.E.) Mike Lewis (Director, N.S.B.E.) Craige McQuarrie (Reeve, North Shore Township) Dugal McQuarrie, (Clerk, N.S.T.) organizational status Actively pursuing a regional plan that will link the three main communities of Blind River, Algoma Mills and Elliot Lake. Right now in the midst of preparing a request for funding through our regional "Working Group" (set up to help economic development within the area.). critical local plans, priorities, deadlines The initial plan was a "true" Free-Net approach, but with the last mine gasping its last breath - leaving the local Board of Ed. the biggest business in town - it quickly became apparent the funding of ongoing operating costs would be more than just a "song & dance" each year. Thus, we revised the model to be based on cost recovery - a cost that could be shared among the communities of the North Shore. The "hub" (Algoma Mills) readily saw this as a great adjunct to their overall "redevelopment plans." They are now our official sponsor and helping to raise the $35K startup costs. Also, the boards of education see this as a way of keeping up with David Cooke's promises of linking all boards throughout the province and we anticipate a late fall "grand opening." software Having been personally involved with the Ontario Teachers' Federation "Creating a Culture of Change" project - one that links all provincial teachers to a "free" conferencing system, "The Electronic Village"- I have become partial to the software, the developer and its ease of use. It runs on a Pentium box that apparently "plugs into the wall" - certainly a main concern of communities with a dearth of Unix techies. national concerns 1. The potential for splintering into "Free" vs "Restricted" with endless arguments about the "Vision." 2. Development of affordable, quality, educational "connections" that reflect a Canadian perspective. 3. Policies that reflect a fair and equitable blending of the "commercialization of the net" taking into account regional disparities and needs. 4. Issues of "local calling" radii for remote regions. 5. "Standardization" of front-end software. 6. "Qualifications" of resellers of Internet connections. 7. Establishment of Technical & How-To advice groups. 8. Government policies that may arrive "after the fact."
Date of file: 1994-Jul-18