From: ssacks@CAM.ORG (Steven Sacks) Date: Sun, 24 Jul
Free-Net Montreal Basic contact info:
Diane Labelle Andre Laurendeau Steven Sacks
Organizational committee structure: Three thematic
committees: Communications, Technical, Production One
Coordinating Committee (also responsible for finances)
Organizational status: Our request for incorporation is being
processed, following which we will apply for charitable
organization status. We have been granted organizing
committee status by NPTN. Critical local plans, priorities,
deadlines: Our target is to open before the end of the year.
A prototype system/demo has been developed and is being
refined. Information provider recruitement and funding
campaign (governmental, private-sector, equipment suppliers)
are under way. Software: Free-Net Montreal will run on the
Chebucto Free-Net WWW clients. The lynx, pico, tin, and pine
clients have been translated (users will have a choice of
accessing the Free-Net in English or French). Steve Sacks
Free-Net Montreal -- Garth Graham
Coordinator, Canadian Community Networks Conference, and
founding meeting, Telecommunities Canada, Aug. 15-17, 1994
Box 86, Ashton, Ont., K0A 1B0, 613-253-3497