From: ("Michael J. MacDonald") Date: Mon, 18 Jul Name: Fredericton Area Freenet (NPTN Affiliate) On the application with NPTN it was called the York Sunbury Community Server. Since then the name has been changed for a number of very good reasons. From this point on we would be prefered to be called the Fredericton Area Free-Net, and this is likely to be last time you hear of YSCS. > organizational committee structure: Executive committee Chair: Dale Dunphy Technical Committee Chair: Dr. R Fisher. Ways and Means Chair : Paul Stapleton. Publicity : Marilyn Mosher Media Relations : Steven Sloan Jack of all trades : Michael MacDonald > organizational status: We had our first public meeting June 30. with a reasonable success in acquiring a number of volunteers. > critical local plans, priorities, deadlines Equipment acquisition: September 25, 94 Ready for test : Dec 31 Pilot : Jan 1 - Mar 31, 95 Public access : April 1, 95 (this may be an omen) > software Would like web considering freeport. > national concerns Charitable status. open access to government national exposure to MPs etc -- Michael MacDonald, I.S.P. Senior Systems Specialist, Faculty of Computer Science University of New Brunswick Internet: MIKEMAC@UNB.CA
Date of file: 1994-Jul-18