Optimism is Contagious by Andrea Kujala Realtime Online Ottawa 13:10 August 16, 1994. Overall, the members of the discussion group chaired by Julie Chahal are feeling optimistic about the future of freeNets. The excitement, commitment and enthusiasm of so many of the conference participants has set the tone, in spite of problems with volunteer burnout, confusion as to the mandate of community networks, and ongoing funding concerns. This optimism has been fueled by the visionary thinking of the organizers of Manitoba's Blue Sky FreeNet, the variety in models of network organization such as FreeSpace, and the decisions of departments and agencies at all levels of government to use freeNets to effectively distribute information to members of the public. -30- -- Realtime Online - Professional Conference Reporting Team Rosaleen Dickson, Ottawa ac174@freenet.carleton.ca. Pierre Bourque, Michel Careau, Shady Kanfi, Charles King, Andrea Kujala, Jules Lafrance, Bruce MacDonald, Robt Rattey, Natalie Roth, Michael Silvestrini, Stephen Toy.
Date of file: 1994-Aug-16