"New Brunswick being held back by Canada on Information Highway" By Andrea Kujala Realtime Online Ottawa 1230 Aug 15, 1994. New Brunswick is in a position to leap forward in information and communication technology, and is in fact ahead of the other provinces and the federal government in this area, according to Rory McGreal, Executive Director of TeleEducation, for the New Brunswick Department of Education. New Brunswick has moved beyond the technology concerns to the next stage: training New Brunswickers to use the technology. We are seeing a convergence of technologies as telephones, computers, television and cable-tv are all coming together. What governments need to do now is train people to use these technologies as a part of ensuring open access for all members of society. We have the technology right now which would allow a student to take courses from Mount St. Vincent, Simon Fraser University and University of New Brunswick, using a home computer and electronic access to exiting networks. But regulations at these universities would prohibit that student from ever getting a degree using those credits, said Mr. McGreal. -30-
Date of file: 1994-Aug-15