Info Highway chief seeks freenet input By Bruce MacDonald
Realtime Online OTTAWA (2057 hr., Aug. 15/94) - The head of
Canada's Information Highway Advisory Council asked freenet
organizers for advice in opening up the country's Information
Highway. "I urge you to make your voices heard," David
Johnston told a dinner gathering at the Canadian Community
Networks Conference. "Canada needs your enthusiasm, your
understanding of the issues, your expertise and your
participation to make the Information Highway a reality and
ensure that it benefits all Canadians," Johnston said. The
former McGill University president told his audience he felt
like the late American statesman Dean Acheson who called his
book on the founding of the United Nations, "Present at the
Creation." "I predict that one day, when the history of the
creation of the Information Highway in Canada is written,
this meeting will have a prominent place in the record," he
said. Johnston's advisory council was established by the
federal government last winter and is made up of Canadians
from all backgrounds and all regions of the country. Since
May the council has met three times and meets again August 19
on its way to draft up recommendations to the federal
government on a national strategy for the Information
Highway. Minutes of each meeting are posted on the National
Capital Freenet and are available by gopher at, port 70 and at the same address by FTP, in
/pub/isc. -- Realtime Online - Professional Conference
Reporting Team Rosaleen Dickson, Ottawa Pierre Bourque, Michel Careau,
Shady Kanfi, Charles King, Andrea Kujala, Jules Lafrance,
Bruce MacDonald, Robt Rattey, Natalie Roth, Michael
Silvestrini, Stephen Toy.