"FreeNets the best thing to happen to SchoolNet" By Andrea
Kujala Realtime Online Ottawa 13:50 August 15, 1994. Access
to SchoolNet has increased beyond the predictions she made in
her speech to this conference last year, according to Karen
Kostaszek, Director of the SchoolNet Support Group. With
funding from Industry Canada, provincial departments of
education, and corporations large and small, SchoolNet has
provided connections to 400 schools across Canada during its
first year of operation. However, the majority of SchoolNet
use has come through freeNets, as teachers, students,
education officials and members of the general public make
use of SchoolNet from their homes. SchoolNet is committed to
increasing the amount of Canadian information available on
the net, open access to all information for Canadians from
every geographic region, using either official language. --
Realtime Online - Professional Conference Reporting Team
Rosaleen Dickson, Ottawa ac174@freenet.carleton.ca. Pierre
Bourque, Michel Careau, Shady Kanfi, Charles King, Andrea
Kujala, Jules Lafrance, Bruce MacDonald, Robt Rattey, Natalie
Roth, Michael Silvestrini, Stephen Toy.