Telecommunities Canada Founding Meeting By Natalie Roth Realtime Online Ottawa 1:00 pm August 17th, 1994 The selection of an interim Board of Directors for Telecommunities Canada took place Wednesday morning, the third day of the conference, following an extra Tuesday night session suring which decisions were made concerning procedure and issues, under the chairmanship of Lisa Donnelly Issues selected to be addressed by the Telecommunities (TC) Board are: * Relations vis a vis the NPTN (American board) and international bds * Charitable status of freenets * Lobbying/Advocacy * Operational funding * National PR effort With nineteen nominations under consideration for the seven postions on the board, the following voting procedure was decided upon: * Only 1 person from each freenet organization is allowed to vote. * There is a maximum of 7 votes per ballot (otherwise the ballot is spoiled). * Only 1 card is eligible per freenet. * Only 1 candidate per organization may be selected. * The 7 candidates with the most votes will be elected. * If more than 1 candidate from the same organization is within the top 7, the one with the most votes will be declared elected. * Vote will be conducted by secret ballot. Each candidate was asked to make a brief statement before the voting commenced. At this time, one candidate, Rosaleen Dickson, stepped down in favour of David Sutherland, as there were two candidates present from the National Capital Freenet Board of Directors. THE RESULTS: The 7 elected members of the interum TC board if directors, in alphabetical order, were: Michael Gillespie - Vice President of Blue Sky Freenet Roger Hart - Senior Consultant, Teleconsult Limited, Victoria B.C. Andre Laurendeau - Le Reseau Electronique du Montreal Metropiltain Kevin Nugent - Chebucto Freenet, Halifax Gareth Shearman - President of BC Freenet Association David Sutherland - President of National Capital Freenet Inc. Lynda Williams - President of Prince George Freenet Association As Andre Laurendeau received the most votes, he will chair the interim board. After the vote an announcement was made that the Edmonton Freenet would be launched during the National Science and Technology Week in Canada. Other freenets were encouraged to get involved to capitalize on the publicity that will be generated during the week. Representatives of Ontario freenets remained after the meeting to discuss the formation of an Ontario Freenet Association. -- Realtime Online - Professional Conference Reporting Team Rosaleen Dickson, Ottawa Pierre Bourque, Michel Careau, Shady Kanfi, Charles King, Andrea Kujala, Jules Lafrance, Bruce MacDonald, Robt Rattey, Natalie Roth, Michael Silvestrini, Stephen Toy.
Date of file: 1994-Aug-18