Evolution of Community Networks, Mario Morino
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Apple Conference on Building Community Computing Networks
Cupertino, California May 5, 1994 "Assessment and Evolution
of Community Networking" Presented by Mario Morino The Morino
Institute ------- Preface ------- Seventeen months ago the
Morino Foundation began a journey to learn how we could best
use our resources, knowledge, and time to help others. Our
goal was then - and still is now - to make a difference, and
most importantly, to drive positive, sustaining social
change. In our journey, we met over 500 individuals from over
300 organizations, learned of valuable programs and services,
had the opportunity to benefit from innovative visions and
ideas, and found truly imaginative and committed people
making contributions to help their communities, their
country, and the world. In most cases, the people we met for
the first time opened up to us, many even reaching out to
help. We owe so much to these people for, in many ways, they
helped us shape the views expressed here. We take this
opportunity to express our thanks and appreciation for the
courtesy, for the knowledge and the advice, but most of all,
for the encouragement you provided. My special thanks to Ned
Lilly of the Morino Foundation who conducted the research to
support this paper and served as editor for its composition.
Thanks and special acknowledgment are also due to: * Kaye
Gapen of Case Western Reserve University * Tom Grundner of
the National Public Telecomputing Network * Ken Harmon of the
KRH Group * David Hughes of Old Colorado City Communications
* Frank Odasz of Big Sky Telegraph * Doug Schuler of Computer
Professionals for Social Responsibility * Ed Schwartz of the
Institute for the Study of Civic Values * Linda Sowers of
MarkeTek Marketing Consultants * Kevin Thomas Sullivan of
Sullivan Consulting International Each of these people was
generous enough to help in reviewing this material and
providing input. ------------ Introduction ------------
"Every time I do get on Free-Net, I need some kind of help,
and when I leave I have truly received the help I need ... I
want you to know that without Free-Net I would be lost ... I
don't worry, I am not afraid, I have Free-Net and my Computer
Family of loving and caring friends. These resources,
together with God, will get me through, and I know that I
will be able to provide my wife with the best care possible."
- Excerpts from a letter published in the newsletter of the
Cleveland chapter of the Alzheimer's Association These words
speak volumes about the Alzheimer's Disease Support Center
that was implemented on the Cleveland Free- Net. The letter
(1) comes from a man whose wife was suffering terribly; as
her caregiver, he was having difficulty coping. He was able
to turn to the Support Center and work through his problems
with the help of other caregivers like himself. The emotion
and feelings this person expresses, and the importance he
places on electronic communications as a tool to help him
reach out to others, to communicate, and to share and
receive, helps us all understand the potential that
electronic communications offers our people, our communities,
and our society for effecting positive social change. This
remarkable potential sets the stage for our discussion of
community networking. -------------------------------- A New
Way to Serve the Community --------------------------------
In January of 1993, we began our year of discovery with no
predisposed notions of the importance of electronic
communications. Through the course of our journey, we came
across a fascinating phenomenon - community networking
facilitated by electronic communications. It has become known
by many names - community computing, community telecomputing,
community bulletin boards, civic networking, telecommunity
systems, and community information systems. Whatever the
name, we see community networking as a process to serve the
local geographical community - to respond to the needs of
that community and build solutions to its problems. Community
networking in the social sense is not a new concept, but
using electronic communications to extend and amplify it
certainly is. We consider community networking a process,
facilitated by the tools of electronic communications and
information, that improves and magnifies human communication
and interaction in a community by: * Bringing together people
within local communities and focusing their attention on key
issues within the community for debate, deliberation and
resolution * Organizing human communication and information
relevant to the communities' needs and problems on a timely
basis * Requiring, engaging, and involving - on an ongoing
basis - the participation of a broad base of citizens,
including community activists, leaders, sponsors, and service
providers * Striving to include people in low-income
neighborhoods, those with disabilities or limited mobility,
and the struggling middle class * Making basic services
available at a fair and reasonable cost - or, as many
espouse, at no cost - for broad-based access within the
community * Most importantly, doing what commercial providers
find difficult to do well: represent local culture, local
relevance, local pride, and a strong sense of community
ownership Over the past year and a half, we have explored the
emergence of, and impediments to, community networking. The
philosophy and principles behind the community networking
movement closely align with our own values; we believe that
the local community is where our toughest social problems -
crime, inadequate education, underemployment - will be
solved, by the grass-roots efforts of the people who have the
most personal stake in their solution. It is here that
community networking takes on such relevance in helping
people solve problems and addressing the needs of their day-
to-day lives. Clearly, community networking is an emerging
phenomenon with the potential to effect profound societal
transformation. ------------------------- An Opportunity for
Action ------------------------- The community networking
movement, growing on its own merits in community after
community, is highly consistent with the importance we place
on "grass-roots" innovation, solving problems and satisfying
needs within the local community, and instilling or
strengthening the sense of ownership and belonging for the
members of local communities. As we learned about community
networking, we were also following the activity surrounding
the introduction of the National Information Infrastructure
by the Clinton-Gore administration, and the industry's and
media's fascination with the "information highway."
Ironically, there has been little mention of the
community-based movement within these national and industry
programs and debates. This dichotomy between the emergence of
community networking at the local level and its
underrecognition and underappreciation at the national level
is a major impediment to community networking. It is a
formidable challenge, but also an exciting opportunity. We
see community networking as an important movement that can
help our society better understand the promise of electronic
communications and help communities work toward positive
social change - particularly over the next several years
where, as many predict, there will be a difficult "shake
down" period among the national information highway players.
Community networking is a movement that will not only benefit
localities, but in the long run contribute greatly to the
realization of national and global information infrastructure
initiatives. We will support efforts to advance community
networking and to strengthen its acceptance, funding, and
social and technical innovation. We wish to share with you
some of our findings and observations by: * discussing the
emergence and evolution of community networking * providing a
time-line of major events in this evolution * proposing for
your consideration a series of suggestions we believe are
important to advancing the community networking movement, and
* concluding with a challenge to help us all make our actions
more relevant to our communities and to the positive
application and advancement of electronic communications for
social good -----------------------------------------------
Emergence and Evolution of Community Networking
----------------------------------------------- Some say it
all began with the creation of ARPANET in the 1960s, which
evolved into what we now know as the Internet. Subsequent
advances in technology and standards made it possible for
something called a "computer" to act more like a
"communicator." The military and scientific worlds were
making great progress, working better and perhaps more
efficiently - but throughout the 1970s, the computer network
was still very far removed from everyday people in their
communities. One well-known exception was the Berkeley
Community Memory system, where curious people could carry on
basic conversations over "dumb" public terminals. But as the
medium grew, we saw commercial services like The Source -
which was eventually absorbed into CompuServe - and the
emergence of local bulletin board systems - BBS's. Some
people - the pioneers of community networking - began to see
the potential of real communications systems for effecting
change in their communities. ------------ The Pioneers
------------ Dave Hughes, already a folklore hero, was, and
still is, a trailblazer for community networking. By setting
up inexpensive community bulletin boards, he showed people
the power of electronic communications. And, through his
tireless activism on behalf of community networking causes,
he showed them what they could do with that power. Howard
Rheingold put it well in his book The Virtual Community:
"Dave's modus operandi is straightforward and uncomplicated:
First, he brags shamelessly about what he is going to do,
then he does it, and then he shows everyone else how to
duplicate his feats." (2) Tom Grundner has been called the
"father of community networking" - with good reason. He
helped people view community networking as a process more
than as a technology. The medical BBS he called "St.
Silicon's Hospital" grew into the Cleveland Free-Net - the
model for a generation of community networks. And Tom, of
course, founded NPTN, the National Public Telecomputing
Network, which has 34 affiliated community systems today, and
over 100 more in the organizing stages. Frank Odasz saw the
potential this networking held for rural communities, in
particular for rural education. Frank's work in Montana
education - where the schools, often the one-room schoolhouse
that many of us only know from our history books, are few and
far between - is setting a standard for rural community
networking. He has taken this experience and, with the
initial guidance of Dave Hughes, established a renowned
community network called Big Sky Telegraph. Telegraph has
emerged as a national example of the great things communities
- especially rural communities - can accomplish with truly
basic resources. Ken Phillips brought the community network
into even sharper focus, with his groundbreaking work on the
Santa Monica Public Electronic Network (PEN). Santa Monica
PEN advanced our understanding of how the physical,
geographical community can be successfully mirrored and
improved upon in an electronic community. It also gave us new
models for public access to community resources and the
possibility of community networks producing real social
benefit. Richard Civille, of the Center for Civic Networking,
has advanced the concept of civic networking among national
policymakers. The mention of civic networks in the NII:
AGENDA FOR ACTION document, for example, is directly
attributable to his efforts. (3) Jack Rickard and his
Boardwatch magazine have been a tremendous force in advancing
the growth, maturation, and internetworking of bulletin board
systems - to the point where the old distinctions between
BBS's and larger networks have fallen by the wayside. And
Steve Cisler, our host here at Apple, has provided a
tremendous base of support, research, and knowledge for the
community networking movement as a whole.
----------------------- An Historical Time-Line
----------------------- / //// ///////// ///// 1994: CPB,
NTIA awards announced 1993: NII: AGENDA FOR ACTION published
1993: Mosaic released 1992: World Wide Web created 1992:
Internet Society, CCN founded 1991: Gopher, WAIS released
1989: Santa Monica PEN 1989: NPTN founded 1988: Big Sky
Telegraph 1986: Cleveland Free-Net 1984: "St. Silicon's
Hospital" medical BBS 1980: Old Colorado City - first
community-oriented BBS 1978: First BBS 1970: ARPANET created
The listing above depicts some of the major events in the
evolution of community networking. Appendix B offers a more
detailed time-line of specific events. By the end of 1991,
the first generation of the community networking phenomenon
had truly begun. In addition to Big Sky Telegraph and Santa
Monica PEN, five other communities in Ohio and Illinois had
followed the Cleveland Free-Net model and set up their own
local systems - and over a dozen more were in the planning
stages. Bulletin boards and computer conferencing systems
like the Well in San Francisco took on a greater scope, often
moving beyond the hobbyist roots of BBS's to focus more on
the communities around them, as well as the virtual
communities their members enjoyed. At the same time, the
first wave of commercial network providers moved through the
country, as the online services looked beyond their business
customers to home users. --------------------- The Surge in
Interest --------------------- Clearly, the momentum was
building in 1991 and 1992. We would suggest, however, that a
major acceleration has occurred over the past 12-18 months,
in which we have seen a dramatic surge in interest in these
systems - the beginnings of what could be a second generation
of community networking. Important events like this
conference are proliferating -the first half of 1994 alone
has seen half a dozen such gatherings. The Free-Net
phenomenon has grown significantly. And the evolving model of
the community network continues to challenge our previous
notions and technologies, encompassing diverse paradigms such
as the planned LaPlaza Telecommunity in New Mexico;
Cupertino's CityNet; the Smart Valley Project; the recent
CommerceNet; new community network cooperative models in San
Francisco and Seattle; the South Bristol Learning Network in
South Bristol, England; the community environment built
around Pipeline in New York City . . . the list goes on and
on. Our own observations over this time - the course of our
discovery period at the Morino Foundation - certainly confirm
this incredible movement and we suggest four main underlying
forces: 1. Clinton-Gore and NII The Clinton-Gore
administration's interest in and introduction of the National
Information Infrastructure initiative has had the most
significant impact. Regardless of one's position on the NII,
and partisan considerations aside, it is undeniable that the
initiative has raised the consciousness of people across the
United States, and the world. We believe this increased
awareness has drawn many, new individuals into the community
networking movement, onto the Internet, and other online
commercial services. More importantly, it has attracted a
diverse group of people who will work to complement those
already involved. Additionally, grant programs from federal
groups such as the National Telecommunications and
Information Administration, the National Science Foundation,
Defense Conversion Funding, USDA's Rural Electrification
Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, the
Department of Education, and other federal and state
initiatives will create interest and activity in these areas.
There is no denying that the promise of what Al Gore called
the "information superhighway" just a few years ago has
captured the public's attention and imagination. 2. The
Internet There has been an amazing surge in new usage of the
Internet. According to the Internet Society, there were 4,000
networks connected to the Internet at the end of 1991. By May
of 1993, that number had tripled - and in the past 12 months,
it has more than doubled again, to over 29,000 connected
networks. Reachable hosts on the Net have increased from
700,000 at the end of 1991 - to 1.5 million in May of 1993,
to over 2.2 million today - with users of all hosts
potentially numbering over 10 million! A new network is
connected to the Internet every 20 minutes, and new Internet
services and service providers are everywhere. Adding to this
explosion is an ever-increasing stream of improved software
interfaces and services - including new internetworked
services, powerful search tools, friendlier graphical
front-end interfaces, and new information products. We
strongly believe that the desire to gain local access to the
Internet has been one of the driving forces behind the
growing interest and involvement with community networking.
We have seen clear evidence, in online discussions and
elsewhere, that users seeking access are increasingly being
directed by word of mouth to community networks as Internet
service providers. 3. Information Highway Promotion The
financial commitment by major industry to developing the
"information highway" is generating a great deal of the
interest as well. The telephone and cable companies,
publishers, traditional software and hardware providers, and
venture investment firms are already focusing their attention
- if not large investments - to capitalize on the information
highway opportunity. This entrepreneurial excitement is also
being manifested in thousands of small emerging businesses
such as publishers O'Reilly and Associates, and creative
non-profits such as Internet Multicasting Services. The
perceived and actual progress continues to fuel an interest
in community networking. 4. Community Networking Movement
Finally, the community networking movement has gained
tremendous momentum within its own cultural roots. The
positive "word of mouth" surrounding grass-roots community
networkers has been amplified by the three previously
discussed forces to help create a surge in interest and
engagement. There has been a marked increase in the internal
support this community provides itself - in terms of
electronic listserves and newsgroups, as well as the marked
increase in meetings and conferences on community networking.
An even greater indicator is the emergence of new
technological approaches such as First Class, the OS/2- based
HiCom, Pipeline, and Internet cooperative systems. Finally,
and most indicatively, we point to four substantive actions
that begin to truly legitimize the community networking
activity: * The Ameritech grant won by the National Public
Telecomputing Network for collaboration to develop and
deliver the Ameritech Learning Village * The Annenberg,
Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and U.S. West grant won
by Frank Odasz and Cynthia Denton of Big Sky Telegraph for
rural education * The CPB/U.S. West CWEIS grant program that
recently awarded $1.4 million to 12 communities for public
education and information online services * The NTIA TIIAP
grant program which is making $26 million in funding
available toward the development of public interest
telecommunications applications and services While these
programs will provide funding, they will barely scratch the
surface of what is really needed. Yet compared to the amount
of funding available even a year ago, it is more than just a
significant increase - all four of these events have taken
place within the last twelve months. It is striking, in
looking back at this period of emergence, how much of the
history of the community networking movement is defined in
technological terms, rather than in "human" language of
actual community building. This is one of many challenges
that community networkers will have to address in moving
toward long-term survival and prosperity. Clearly, the stage
is set. The opportunity is directly in our sights. There is
no assurance, however, that we will be able to marshal the
resources, support, ingenuity, and collaboration that will
allow us to collectively capitalize on this unique, historic
opportunity. We will offer the first stage of a strategy to
accomplish this goal, but each community must evolve its own
plan to truly accomplish the broad goals we establish today.
--------------------------------------------- Assessment and
Future of Community Networking
--------------------------------------------- Community
networking entrepreneurs face a formidable challenge: Are
they part of a social phenomenon that is destined to stall or
implode . . . or do they represent a vibrant force, capable
of building on the knowledge they have accumulated, adapting
to a rapidly changing world and community needs, and
ultimately achieving positive, lasting social change in their
communities? In 20 years, when we look back on the 1990s, we
want to recognize this period as one of historical
significance - as the time when we were able to achieve
positive social change in our communities by using electronic
communications as a vital enabler to bring people together,
to share, learn, and work together to solve their problems.
In all candor, though, we suggest that the first option - a
stalling or implosion - is quite likely and, for some,
already predictable. The surge in interest must be matched
with an influx of significant funding and a step-increase in
the functionality and quality of the underlying technology;
otherwise, an implosion is likely. There are few worse
situations than an enormous build-up in interest that goes
unsatisfied or, worse, is ineffectively addressed. There is a
window of opportunity in which the community networking
movement must establish itself in a sustaining manner. This
window of opportunity will not remain open for long, as major
non-profit organizations and a raft of commercial interest
parties have picked up on the importance and relevance of
this emerging marketplace. This is not a time for community
networkers to maintain the status quo. -------------------
Hope for the Future ------------------- The second option -
in which community networking lays claim to an accomplishment
of historical significance - is possible. It can be
accomplished - but the same visionaries and social innovators
who have evolved community networking to its current status
must recognize that the process has just begun. The real test
lies in their ability to adapt to a dramatically changed and
changing world. Those coming into the movement in this second
phase must step back and see the broad vision of what can be,
and work in concert with those who have gone before. The
visionaries and practitioners of community networking have an
opportunity of historical proportions within their reach. The
process of community networking as it is now commonly
understood must move itself to a higher plane, to a role of
greater significance in communities and society at large. We
strongly urge that these visionaries and practitioners
recognize the enormous significance their contributions could
have, and that they consider the steps necessary to position
themselves to capitalize on this opportunity. To this end, we
present ten suggestions which we believe are critical to
making the transition to a higher role and significance.
These suggestions are based on the general observation we
conducted, our learning of the successes and impediments
community networkers have encountered, and on our own
experience in interpreting similar trends in technology and
organizational dynamics. 1. Aim High: Work Toward Positive
Social Change We suggest that the ultimate goals of community
networking should address positive social change - in as many
areas and disciplines within our society as possible. To this
end, we suggest that you consider how you, through your
community networks, can enable the following: * Helping
people understand the relevance, and harness the power, of
information and electronic communications to improve their
lives * Stimulating economic growth by helping individuals
and businesses become more adaptive * Improving the quality
and availability of education for all ages and levels of
society * Helping people engage and improve their government
* Assisting the public and social sectors to reach and engage
the people they serve more effectively * Improving access to,
and the quality of, health care information and services *
Advancing the state of environmental awareness, monitoring,
and protection Most community networking efforts have
included similar goals in their charters, but often these
goals have been sublimated to mere words and not the primary
focus of their efforts. Those responsible for community
networking must maintain constant vigilance on these ultimate
goals to guide every decision and action. The community
network will not produce results on its own, of course;
rather, as Dave Hughes has suggested, the online discussion
should be "the springboard for local action." (4) The action
itself will take place on the streets, in the neighborhoods,
in City Hall or the courtrooms. Our communities need help,
and it is the responsibility of the community networking
movement to enable and facilitate the work of those in their
community capable of introducing social change - not simply
maintaining the status quo.
We have an opportunity of enormous significance and a window
of opportunity to succeed. True success will be achieved only
if community networking sets its vision high enough and stays
tightly focused on supporting and enabling positive social
change in our communities.
2. Serve the Needs of Your Community The community networking
process must be based on a thorough and comprehensive
understanding of the needs of the community to be served.
Certainly that has been the ideal of community networking,
but we suggest that there is much room for improvement here
for most active community networks. For example, economic
development - the creation of jobs - is a compelling need in
most communities. More focus must be placed on cultivating
broad-based economic development and career retraining, and
on teaching aspiring micro- enterprises and entrepreneurs how
to benefit from electronic communications. We suggest this
involves a great deal more than connecting to the Chamber of
Commerce or the Small Business Administration's Bulletin
Board. We urge you to consider relevance. Gain a better
understanding of the people and institutions to be served and
of the institutions and services involved. Gain an
understanding of what needs are going unmet - at home, in
families, in the workplace, for the unemployed, in the
government, social services, and so on. The well-worn clichi,
"if you build it, they will come," is ineffective relative to
the needs of community. Consider the single mother who
worries about her child getting shot in the locker room . . .
and never getting to play on a "Field of Dreams" at all. That
mother could care less about information infrastructure or
community networking. Chances are, no one asked her what she
might need from a network, how she could use this powerful
tool to better her life - and with this inadvertent omission,
another exclusive club is created to which she will never
belong. Watch how vacant the "information highway" will
become if this situation is allowed to spread.
Reach out into the community, talk to people, make a
concerted effort to understand their needs - and then help
them understand how the services of the community network can
help. Such outreach and engagement will ensure a buy-in among
the people of the community and an ongoing relevance to their
3. Engage the Broader Community The community network needs
to represent the interests of the community it serves. Many
of today's groups must make a concerted effort to move beyond
their current scope, which often represents only the
interests and views of the people who organized and built the
network. The community networking programs that will succeed
in the long run will be those that have maintained a focus on
the multiplicity of needs in the community and have
effectively engaged the full spectrum of their neighbors. The
key to answering this question is to focus on those using the
network to help effect positive social change. People are
looking for results, solutions to their problems - not
network access. Or, as Frank Odasz of Big Sky Telegraph likes
to say, "real benefit for real people." That means, in
building community networks, we should seek out and involve
those individuals in the communities most capable of making
things happen and ushering in changes. We need people who are
willing to question the status quo, to ask what is needed,
and to get good things done right now. The buy-in from these
people in the community is the best insurance that the
community network can address the broad range of challenges
posed by the community. We suggest two ideas to better engage
and involve the community, whether you are just starting a
community network or if your network is already up and
running: * Expand and/or recompose your Boards of Directors.
Many people take this for granted, but a good Board of
Directors is crucial. By "good," we mean composed of active,
engaged agents of community change - people from diverse
backgrounds, with a range of relevant opinions and
experiences. Your Boards should be selected to include: those
who will connect you to key bases of support; those who can
help you raise funding; those who will contribute management
know-how; and, most importantly, those who believe in the
potential of community networking and who will work to help
sell and engage the people and institutions of the community.
The Board should be composed of people who will continually
challenge the community network to grow, to develop, and to
improve - to question its own status quo. * Actively engage
the community. This is a process of marketing and, hence, to
many an unknown. We suggest that you proactively reach out to
the community, with a formal and informal marketing
communications program. Establish ongoing relations with the
local media to provide occasional press coverage; conduct
regular meetings to provide status and collect input and
requirements from various population groups; conduct programs
to educate people in awareness, competencies, and application
of electronic communications; establish programs to promote
what is happening on the network - relating the success
stories, how people have been helped, where benefit has been
realized, and when lives have been changed. More importantly,
collaborate with parties who can serve as distribution
channels to promote the services - the computer stores in the
region, the public library, the chamber of commerce, the
interfaith religious associations, and the like. In this way,
you can maintain a constant presence and seamlessly become
part of the fabric of the community.
Make it a top priority to compose a Board of Directors that
will challenge you, represent all the people you serve, and,
in turn, strengthen your ties to the community. Establish a
marketing communications program to proactively and
deliberately reach out and engage community members . . . to
enable the community network to become an integral part of
the community and an important part of people's daily lives.
4. Broadly Redefine Support Community networks, once they
achieve certain levels of success or critical mass, must have
a formal "infrastructure" and full-time staff. The pioneers
of community networking have done incredible, absolutely
unbelievable work -by and large, in their spare time, around
the edges, maintaining systems at 2:00 in the morning from
computers in the basements of their homes. This model will
continue to work for small systems that remain satisfied with
a relatively narrow focus - but it clearly will not hold for
most community networks and the demands they will face. The
staffing requirement is much more than hiring someone to
administer the network. Certainly, network administration is
an important responsibility, but it is far less relevant to
long-term success than staff to provide community engagement,
promotional seminars, fund raising, periodic community needs
assessment, education and training, telephone support, and
even consulting services. Ironically, the more successful a
community network becomes, the greater the demand will be for
more services, improved access, and better reliability. The
community network that does not respond to these increasing
demands is only creating an opportunity for another
not-for-profit or commercial service to capture its
clientele. Another important point to bear in mind is that
the skills to manage a growing community network are very
different than those required to create the network.
Actually, these skills must change as the community network
evolves and grows.
Plan a well-defined infrastructure, and staff it with full-
time people who can be augmented by professional volunteers.
Seek good staff, with a desire to help, possessing great
people skills, communication skills and facilitation skills -
along with the technical orientation essential to the nature
of the system.
5. Establish a Sustaining Economic Model Community networks,
large or small, absolutely must establish an economic model
for their sustained operation. It is a question of economic
viability, really of survival - not a debate over "free
access." Clearly this is an area of heated debate and concern
to existing community networks. Recent discussions in the
COMMUNET and FREENET conferences, where pieces of such
economic models are starting to come together, have been most
encouraging on this front. To be sure, individual communities
can make their own determinations about what sort of access
they want to subsidize for what groups of people. Tom
Grundner and others have passionately and convincingly argued
for no-cost availability of basic services; indeed, this
question is being debated on a national scale in the federal
Information Infrastructure Task Force, among other places.
Bear in mind that free access to networks will almost always
be structured around off-peak times and functions, riding in
the "electronic empty spaces," as it were. Community networks
must establish a sustainable funding base from fee-based
services and sustained funding sources, which are most often
locally-based. Government and other grant monies can be used
to supplement this base, but a sustaining economic model must
not be dependent on grant funding. This requires a more
creative approach to earning revenues. Here is a list of
possible considerations: * Basic subscription charge of a
nominal amount to all subscribers to the service *
Subscription charges that are tied to specific types of
services * Provider charges that are applied to organizations
that wish to use the community network and/or post
information on it * Local subsidies that may be directly
linked to jurisdictional taxation or levies * Usage fees for
education, support and consulting * Sustained grant funders
that commit to long-term funding We must keep in mind that
"free" public libraries, to which an analogy has often been
made, have always had a taxation- based economic model to
ensure their continued operation.
To serve the needs of the community, the community network
must first survive. To survive and expand to meet current and
future demand, it is absolutely essential that an economic
model for self-sufficiency be defined and implemented.
Anything short of this imperative represents a disservice to
the community being served.
6. Build A Strong and Open Technological Base Community
networks must work toward building a stronger, more
accessible, and more functional base of technology and
telecommunications. To be sure, this is first a problem of
funding, but equally imperative are vision and experience
once funding is available. It is, moreover, a fundamental
challenge to the long-term survival of the communication
medium that community networking represents. Questions of
growth and scale are more than just adding more staff,
modems, and disk space. Here, then are five basic areas for
building a stronger technological base: * Telecommunications
It is critical to build a telecommunications capacity to be
able to handle a high percentage of peak load activity.
Systems epitomized by a perpetual busy signal will discourage
use and eventually lose their clientele to an alternative
service - this is the undeniable rule of online services. *
Community Networking Software The core community networking
systems, Free-Port, Big Sky Telegraph, First Class, and
others are good technologies, but in current forms lack the
robustness, scalability, network interoperability, and user
friendliness that community networkers will demand. Community
networking leaders should collaborate to help advance the
state of technical functionality . . . or watch as
alternative technologies rapidly pass by the capabilities of
community networking systems - again with the net result of
discouraging use and eventually losing clientele. * Systems
Management Few organizations recognize the need for
industrial- strength systems management. Functions such as
backup/recovery, disaster preparedness, security access and
encryption, capacity and performance management, problem
diagnosis, license servers, and a host of other
considerations should be considered, again on a scalable
basis. These may seem like far away issues to the person in a
small town trying to bring up a First Class rural network,
but to many growing community networks this will be an issue
of increasing relevance and concern. * Network Gateways and
Interfaces Community networks should serve as the local hub
for the larger networked services, as well as support
cross-communication with other community networks - allowing
interoperability, and filtering and structuring information
into a local community context. In addition to the technical
function, moreover, community networks should act as a
cultural connection to the larger networks as well. By
"larger networks," we mean nonprofit networks such as
Handsnet and the various nets under the Institute for Global
Communications; corporate and governmental networks that want
to share certain information with the community; even a
commercial service. It is not at all beyond possibility that
the major online service providers would consider
establishing inexpensive gateways to community networks -
just as they do to Internet electronic mail today. *
Distributed Systems Interoperability There is no one
technical solution that is right for all communities - or
even for all communities within a local community. In a very
real sense, we are all re- learning the lessons of how
organizations have to adapt their thinking . . . away from
the centralized model for information systems to a much more
distributed approach, where the functionality is vested in
each department or user. Centralized systems fall short when
the key is local ownership of information, interconnection,
and seamless interoperability. You must move beyond the
one-system approach, and act as the integrator of community
services, rather than the controller. The community network
may provide one central system, but more important is
providing the enabling technology to interconnect - thereby
allowing networks run by schools, churches, libraries and the
like to work with the clients of these networks. It is this
core system, as well as internetworked connections and
information integration capability, that we believe will
typify the successful community networks of the future.
Work to build your technical capacity and functionality to
ensure openness and interoperability - it will be a key
differential on which people judge the community network in
comparison to other not-for-profit and commercial services.
The importance of this factor grows disproportionately as the
community places a greater dependence on the services
provided by the network.
7. Make Information Relevant to Your Community Local
relevance. That is where the community network can make its
mark and distinguish itself from the commercial services and
other players. Since community networks are locally owned and
operated, you can organize the vast amount of local,
statewide, national, and international information services
and resources . . . around the local needs that you uniquely
understand. That could mean taking the reams of federal
housing information and putting it in a usable context for a
local homeless shelter. Or organizing scholarship information
to fit the needs of disadvantaged local students. Or
coordinating the efforts of the multitude of homes for
battered women that might exist within a single community,
whose staff are unaware of each other's existence. The key is
that the information, from financial data to the oral
traditions of an Indian tribe, is placed in a context people
can use toward the fulfillment of community needs. Kevin
Thomas Sullivan, a communications consultant in Minneapolis,
put it well on the COMMUNET list: "I believe that we can
consciously choose to use information technology to help
facilitate community. Community networks will continue to
thrive if they help to facilitate community. They will perish
if they view themselves simply as alternative information
providers. Let the commercial companies provide all the
information they want; they will not be able to facilitate
community because community is by definition local." (5)
Increase the relevance of your networks by adding value to
the oceans of unfiltered information that are out there - be
more than a posting service or pass-through service. Gather
information from outside sources and place it in a local
context, making it relevant to the day-to-day lives of the
people in the community you serve.
8. Ensure Broad-based Access We are here today because of our
deeply held belief that communities must focus on improving
the ease of access to relevant information and knowledge. The
word "access" means many different things to different
people. We would offer three basic points for discussion: *
Points of Access There must be much greater physical access
through points of entry to community networks. We do not
subscribe to the theory that every home will have the
capacity - or desire - to have a network connection, at least
during this decade. Consider that even today as much as 10%
of the people in the United States have no telephone service,
and 35% manage to exist without cable TV. We applaud the
Clinton-Gore administration's charge to connect all the
nation's schools, hospitals, clinics, and libraries by the
year 2000 and appreciate the fact that more and more homes
and offices are equipped with computers and modems - but
there is still an enormous percentage of our population that
will remain unaffected. We must take action to ensure access
for working parents, isolated rural workers - farmers,
teachers, and nurses - the elderly, the youth we strive to
keep safe and off the streets at night, and the social
intermediaries who are dealing with our communities' most
difficult and threatening problems. Encourage the provision
of points of access throughout the community, placing the
access where it has the chance of engendering the greatest
good - probably not public offices and shopping malls, as is
so often espoused. Instead, focus on those outposts that are
already in the community, where the local heroes have the
gained the respect of their neighbors - locations like
churches, the Salvation Army, Boys' and Girls' clubs,
community youth centers, unemployment offices, Head Start
centers, shelters, and wherever you can find social
intermediaries who are making a difference, who are truly
committed. It is these individuals that will make the
difference in training and education, putting a human face on
the community networking technology. We encourage community
networks to encompass the funding, technical support,
equipment, and related training for points of access as part
of the network's charter. Consider this requirement within
your economic models and support infrastructures. * Ease of
Use For many would-be users, a blank computer screen is as
formidable a barrier as a deadbolt. Certainly, computer
interfaces have improved markedly in the past few years,
especially for Internet use, but we have inched up to 1,
perhaps 2, on a scale of 1 to 10. It is still a chore for
most people and a barrier to many. The ease of use question
goes beyond the human/computer interface and the reliability
and support of the system. Ease of use must also consider the
needs of multilingual communities. Therefore, what is more
important for such a community - a graphical user interface
or multilingual support? Some networks must support cultures
that rely on the spoken word far more than written
communication. These cultural minorities certainly do not
always fit our definition of economically or socially
disadvantaged - but they lack access just the same. And what
about individuals with disabilities who cannot see or hear
the system? How many community networks today make provisions
for the blind, deaf, or non-mobile? These are all questions
that we must incorporate into our grand schema of community
networking. Dr. C. Everett Koop, speaking at the Public
Interest Summit sponsored by the Benton Foundation in March
of this year, estimated that over 30% of our general
population is restricted from accessing these technologies in
some manner. * Access to Knowledge The final consideration is
one of filtering and context. Many say it is the difference
between information and knowledge. Our society is already
drowning in information, unfiltered chaos whose worth or
value we often have no way to judge. Even more disconcerting
is that we are rapidly adding to this base of information at
an increasing rate. In a given week, we may hear of half a
dozen studies on the effects of alcohol on the human body -
does it eat our livers, or does it fortify our hearts? How
does the citizen sort this all out? Network access must
synthesize information for the benefit of the community and
structure it to solve community problems and satisfy
community needs. Equally importantly, it should encourage all
providers of information to think in like terms. Being able
to access the "right" or "relevant" information may, in the
end, be the most important facet of access.
Work with local institutions, governmental, not-for-profit
organizations, socially conscious businesses to provide
multiple points of access. Develop your systems with an
emphasis on ease-of-use and multiple-interface solutions for
the full spectrum of your clientele. Make the deliverables in
your network worth accessing in the first place - by
filtering and organizing information and knowledge in such a
way that it is relevant to the people you serve.
9. Prepare for Competitive Times Ahead It may seem strange to
speak of competition to individuals who have in many cases
volunteered their time and effort to help build local
community networks. But competition is inevitable. Consider
the dialogue in the listserves and newsgroups, such as this
observation made in the COMMUNET list by Ed Schwartz of the
Institute for the Study of Civic Values: "The average citizen
could care less whether a service is commercial or
community-driven . . . If a community network lacks the
resources to offer services that commercial services can, it
will lose." (6) Even more relevant is that the commercial
sector and its supporting venture investment firms are
beginning to take note of the potential of the local
community. Community networking practitioners should, at a
minimum, pay attention to the likes of America Online,
E-World, and the Imagination Network - for they could well
provide relevant community- based services. Not to mention
interests such as Ziff Publishing, a combined AT&T/Lotus
Notes service, the expected entry into commercial online
services by Microsoft, the various cable programmers, and a
host of other initiatives. No threat or opportunity, however,
is as great as that posed by the newspapers, local television
and radio stations - and, to a lesser degree, the public
television and radio stations in the local communities. The
newspaper business and television networks, in particular,
possess a vast amount of local information about the
community - probably much more than other services could
amass without great expense and effort. Clearly, should the
newspapers, television, or radio stations consider providing
community networking services, they could pose a formidable -
if not dominating - competitor to current community networks.
Of course, in a more positive sense, these institutions could
be your greatest collaborators, as several of the recent
CWEIS grantees may soon discover. The local news media in
particular can be valuable partners, given their
understanding of how to frame local issues and concerns and
their vast repositories of locally relevant knowledge and
The challenge to those in community networking is to
recognize that they are in an extremely dynamic and fluid
situation - politically, economically, socially, and
technologically. Competition for access to the local
community will be real. As in all other walks of life today,
the community network should be looking at the local and
external collaborations that will enable it to continue to
serve its community.
10. Collaborate to Represent a Powerful Movement We have many
times referred to the community networking movement. We do
believe that there is such a movement underway, although
highly unstructured at this time. To truly succeed, however,
community networking needs a more unified voice and presence.
Issues such as federal funding, foundation support,
communications legislation and other public policy matters
are being strongly influenced by industry, global networks
such as the Internet, and even national not-for-profit
services. Community networking has had a small voice, but
even that was highly fragmented - and at times, the voices
speaking for the movement were inconsistent or in conflict
with each other. We are not proposing that all of the various
factions join together into a unified organization, for that
would not work, nor would it be productive. Today, there are
a host of parties representing community networking - the
National Public Telecomputing Network, the Center for Civic
Networking, Big Sky Telegraph, Computer Professionals for
Social Responsibility, the Community Learning Information
Network (CLIN), and Learning and Information Networks for
Community Telecomputing . . . to name but a few.
Additionally, there are scores of individual parties aspiring
to reach national prominence such as CityNet, CapAccess, and
La Plaza Telecommunity. Our request is simple - practice what
you have preached on the merits of collaboration and
networking to this community. You certainly have one common
interest - the advancement of community networking.
Put aside your special interests and join forces - for the
first time - for the advancement of community networking and
your constituents. It is time to reach out to one another, to
work together, to share information, and to help each other.
Just as the business world has reluctantly come to grips with
the fact that you have to compete and collaborate with your
neighbors in a professional manner, it is time for community
networking leaders to do the same. This, indeed, is our
challenge to those leaders.
---------------------- Seize the Opportunity!
---------------------- We would like to take this opportunity
to give acknowledgment, and our sincere thanks, to those who
have helped guide and develop our thinking over the past
year. A thank you to the literally hundreds of people who
have met with us, shared their knowledge and experiences with
us, and given of their time and themselves. Many of you are
in this room today. In summary, we urge community networks to
reexamine their operations, to focus on lasting, positive
social change, and to build networks as vehicles for
community action. You have the opportunity to take years of
hard-earned knowledge and experience and build a powerful new
communications medium that can really help people change
their lives. To that end, let us restate our ten suggestions
toward ensuring the survival, the relevance, and the eventual
prosperity of community networking: * Aim High: Work Toward
Positive Social Change - set your vision on the ultimate
goals of positive social change in your community, and
maintain that focus in all that you do * Serve the Needs of
Community - build and develop your network to meet the
ever-changing needs of your community * Engage the Broader
Community - expand and recompose your leadership to represent
all the people you serve and establish an effective
communications program within the community * Broadly
Re-Define Support - establish an infrastructure, a support
plan and full-time staff to support the community network *
Establish a Sustaining Economic Model - move aggressively
toward self-sufficiency and end dependence on outside funding
* Build a Strong and Open Technological Base - understand the
issues of growth, scale, and interoperability - and how they
relate to your system * Make Information Relevant to Your
Community - add value and context to the vast amounts of
information available, by filtering and structuring it toward
your local needs * Ensure Broad-based Access - work to
provide comprehensive physical access to your network,
improve its ease of use, and make useful relevant knowledge a
staple of its appeal * Prepare for Competitive Times Ahead -
take an objective look at other not-for-profits, as well as
commercial services, and look to strategic partnerships
whenever possible * Collaborate to Represent a Powerful
Movement - community networking leaders must reach out to one
another, share information and resources, and speak to the
world with a common voice - toward common goals The challenge
we collectively face is: "How do we make community networking
succeed by building on the formidable successes achieved by
the pioneers of this new medium . . . to construct a grander,
more encompassing, and higher vision?" A vision to support
significant social action - of truly helping people change
and improve their lives. We implore those of you "in the
field" today to unite in this purpose and put aside
philosophical differences. The grass- roots spirit and
innovation that have fueled this explosion of talented,
motivated, caring people is too big, too important, indeed,
too crucial to our development as a people, to be stopped
now. You have a chance to affect history. The ramifications
of what we do, how we grow the true concept and practice of
community networking, will be felt for generations to come.
We urge you to seize the opportunity, make this next step,
truly be a part of history. We at the Morino Institute would
welcome the opportunity to work with you and to help you in
this quest . . . to build this communications medium into a
lasting force for changing people's lives. On behalf of the
Morino Foundation, the newly formed Morino Institute, and our
staff that have worked so hard to get us to this point of
introduction, thank you to Apple Computer for the use of
their facilities, and a special thanks for Steve Cisler for
his initiative to conduct this conference. Good luck to you
all and we look forward to when our paths will cross again.
----- NOTES ----- (1) The complete letter is reprinted in
Appendix A. (2) Rheingold, Howard, THE VIRTUAL COMMUNITY.
Addison- Wesley, 1993. (3) THE NATIONAL INFORMATION
Task Force, September 1993. (4) Personal conversation with
David Hughes, April 26, 1994. (5) Kevin Thomas Sullivan, in
"Communet: Community and Civic Network Discussion List,"
April 8, 1994. (6) Ed Schwartz, in "Communet: Community and
Civic Network Discussion List," April 8, 1994. ----------
Appendix A ---------- The following letter is reprinted from
the March 1994 newsletter of the Cleveland chapter of the
Alzheimer's Association. The Alzheimer's Disease Support
Center on the Cleveland Free-Net was implemented in 1989, and
is directed by Dr. Kathy Smyth of Case Western Reserve
University. "Free-Net: How to Regain Your Sanity Without
Leaving Home" by Mike Braun Dear Computer Family: Do you
think in the fall of 1984, that Dr. Tom Grundner of the
Department of Family Medicine, Case Western Reserve
University had us in mind? I wonder if he realizes that the
coping mechanism he created is one of our greatest assets?
Does he know that he gave to us, and any Alzheimer's
caregiver, a 24 hour per day, seven day per week Support
Group? As a doctor, he was aware of mental stress and the
necessity to get rid of it. But was he thinking of us? The
holiday season officially ended for me yesterday, and I am in
a very sentimental, sad mood. Once again, I must use Free-Net
to help me get back to normal. For some unknown reason, I
really don't want to dwell on my feelings, but I do need to
talk to my computer family. Every time I do get on Free-Net,
I need some kind of help, and when I leave I have truly
received the help I need. Sometimes, I can't write, or don't
know how to express my feelings, so I just read the articles
that you have posted. Do you know that reading these articles
has caused me to cry? The problems that some of you are
presently going through will soon be mine, and I can feel the
frustration and pain that you have. How I suffer along with
you! My prayers are no longer for my wife and myself, they
now include all of you. I pray that God gives you some
relief. Your articles have provided me with so many answers
to my questions. You never tell me what to do, you only share
your own experiences with me, and these experiences always
provide me with the direction I must take. Fortunately, we
all realize that even though most of the problems we have are
either the same or very similar, each of us is a unique
creature of God, and being involved in this terrible disease,
only the individual can make a decision. None of want advice;
we desperately need help. We need someone who really listens.
We need someone who really cares about me. We need each
other. I wonder if Dr. Grundner had us in mind back in 1984?
I doubt it. I know that he had to be a caring, and sharing
person. I know that he must have emotional "highs" just
thinking about some of the things that could occur on his
creation. Dr. Grundner, I want to thank you. I want you to
know that without Free-Net I would be lost. Your work has
given to me a source of comfort and relief whenever I need
it. You have saved me on more occasions than I want to
remember. Being a caregiver for an Alzheimer's-related
dementia (Pick's Disease) is a nightmare. I have been a
caregiver for a very short time, and statistically I know
that I will be involved for a very long time. I don't worry,
I am not afraid, I have Free-Net and my Computer Family of
loving and caring friends. These resources, together with
God, will get me through, and I know that I will be able to
provide my wife with the best care possible. I pray for you
too, doctor, and thank God that He gave you the ability to
create the most helpful vehicle a caregiver can possibly
have. ----------------------------------------------------
Appendix B - A Brief History of Community Networking
---------------------------------------------------- The
following represents some of the key events in the history of
community networking. Permission is hereby granted to reprint
all or part of the following, giving due credit to the Morino
Institute. 1969 * ARPANET (precursor to Internet) created -
first American networking community 1972 * InterNetworking
Working Group (INWG) created to address need for establishing
agreed-upon protocols (Chairman: Vinton Cerf) 1973 * First
international connections to ARPANET: England and Norway 1976
* UUCP (Unix-to-Unix copy) developed at AT&T Bell Labs
1977 * EIES (Electronic Information Exchange Service), first
general academic computer conferencing system created by
Murray Turoff. Publication of seminal NETWORK NATION by Hiltz
and Turoff 1978 * Computer Bulletin Board System, Chicago -
first BBS established by Ward Christiansen, who also creates
XMODEM protocol. CommuniTree BBS established in Santa Cruz
1979 * USENET news system established using UUCP *
Telecomputing Corporation of America (TCA) - first dial-up
computer service * Berkeley Community Memory project
established - public terminal-based communications service
1980 * Old Colorado City Electronic Cottage, community
political action BBS established by Dave Hughes. 50,000 calls
by 8,600 persons in 3 years; pioneers in electronic democracy
* TCA becomes The Source * CompuServe established 1981 *
Penrose Library, Colorado Springs, first public library in
country to give citizens dial-up modem access to "Maggie's
Place" * BITNET established, linking universities * Computer
Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) formed 1982 *
INWG establishes TCP/IP standard 1983 * Name server developed
at U-Wisconsin (users no longer required to know exact path
to other systems) * First course for college credit taught
entirely online for Colorado Technical College, via the
Source 1984 * "St. Silicon's Hospital and Information
Dispensary" - Tom Grundner's medical BBS, Cleveland * Domain
Name Server (DNS) introduced * Number of Internet hosts
breaks 1,000 * First version of FidoNet released by Tom
Jennings as shareware, providing inter-BBS mail,
conferencing, file transfer on free local BBS's * "Electronic
Cafe" established in Santa Monica 1985 * The Well established
by Stewart Brand in Sausalito, California 1986 * Cleveland
Free-Net established * NSFNET created (backbone speed of
56Kbps) * First international FidoNet conference held,
Colorado Springs * Apple II-based "FredNet" for educators
created by Al Rogers, San Diego 1987 * Youngstown (OH)
Free-Net established (second Free-Net system) * Number of
Internet hosts breaks 10,000 * Rogers Bar in Old Colorado
City puts RJ11 jacks in booths * TWICS conferencing system
established in Tokyo; NHK Television starts public-access BBS
in Japanese and English 1988 * Big Sky Telegraph established
by Frank Odasz and Dave Hughes, Dillon, Montana * "Internet
worm" virus burrows through the Net 1989 * Santa Monica PEN
established, running Caucus conferencing software * Free-Net
II (2nd version of CWRU Free-Port software) implemented in
Cleveland * National Public Telecomputing Network (NPTN)
founded * Number of Internet hosts breaks 100,000 1990 *
Heartland (IL) Free-Net, Tri-State Online (OH), Medina County
(OH) Free-Net established * ARPANET ceases to exist * First
relay between a commercial electronic mail carrier (MCI Mail)
and the Internet * Electronic Frontier Foundation founded by
Mitch Kapor * First BBS established in then-Soviet Union;
Americans dial in 1991 * WAIS released by Thinking Machines
Corporation * Gopher released by U-Minnesota * Lorain County
(OH) Free-Net established * Dr. George Johnston teaches
course in Chaos Physics from MIT to one-room schools in
Montana, Colorado, Wyoming by UUCP and FidoNet-linked BBS's
1992 * Internet Society founded by Vinton Cerf * World Wide
Web released by CERN * Number of Internet hosts breaks
1,000,000 * CapAccess established in Washington, DC *
Cupertino Connection established * Tom Grundner leaves CWRU
to devote full-time to NPTN * Wellington (NZ) CityNet,
Buffalo Free-Net, Victoria Free-Net (Canada) established *
Civic Networking Roundtable in Washington, DC - sponsored by
CPSR, EFF, Rockefeller Foundation * Center for Civic
Networking (CCN) formed by Miles Fidelman, John Altobello,
Richard Civille * Boardwatch magazine reports 55,000 local
BBS's in U.S., 25,000 global FidoNet BBS's 1993 * Big Sky
Telegraph becomes Internet-accessible * National Capital
Free-Net (Canada), Denver Free-Net, COIN, Tallahassee
Free-Net, Seattle Community Network, Prairienet (IL), Ocean
State Free-Net, Great Lakes Free-Net, Free-Net
Erlangen-Nuernburg (Germany), Dayton Free-Net, CIAO! (Canada)
established * Cupertino CityNet established * Blacksburg
Electronic Village established * International Free-Net
Conference held in Ottawa * CCN-sponsored Civic Networking
Roundtable in Washington, DC * NII: AGENDA FOR ACTION
published by Clinton-Gore administration * Americans
Communicating Electronically (ACE) formed * Corporation for
Public Broadcasting announces CWEIS grant program * Mosaic
released by UIUC * Global Network Navigator released by
O'Reilly Associates * First Class released by SoftArc *
Prodigy offers Internet-connected e-mail 1994 * Tom Grundner
conducts telecast with PBS affiliates to team for CPB/CWEIS
grant * ORION, Rio Grande Free-Net, Los Angeles Free-Net
established * Public Interest Summit held in Washington -
Benton Foundation et al. * Apple Computer and the Morino
Foundation fund development of the NPTN Rural Information
Network * America Online offers USENET, gopher, WAIS *
O'Reilly/Spry "Internet in a Box," NetManage "Chameleon"
released - personal dial-up Net access * Pipeline - New York
City community net-over-Internet software released * Dave
Hughes and son, David, Jr., create HiCom, a low- cost generic
community network system on OS/2. Used to create bilingual
SalsaNet in Albuquerque * Internet co-operatives in Seattle,
Colorado * Indian owned Arrowhead Industries of Denver starts
network to link all Indian Reservations * NTIA announces NII
request for proposals * DIAC - CPSR conference * Apple
Conference on Building Community Computer Networks THANKS TO:
Hobbes' Internet Timeline, by Robert H. Zakon; John Kurilec
and Elizabeth Reid of NPTN; David Hughes; Steve Cisler;
Richard Civille; Howard Rheingold. Copyright (c) 1994. All
rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to copy or
quote from this document; we respectfully ask, however, that
you do give appropriate acknowledgement to the Morino
Institute. Thank you. MORINO INSTITUTE 768 Walker Road, Suite
289 Great Falls, Virginia 22066 Tel. (703) 759-0477 Fax (703)
759-9584 Internet electronic mail: info@morino.org