From: (Lynda Williams) Subject: Minutes of T.C. pre-founding meeting Date: Wed, 31 Aug Minutes Telecommunities Canada Voting Delegates were from: The Umbrella Toronto Free-Net Collingwood, Norm Griffiths North Shore, Alan Wilson Chebucto St. John's Free-Net, Louise Saskatoon, Darlene Fichter Fredericton NB, Mike MacDonald P.G. Free-Net, Lynda Williams (recording secretary) National Capital Free-Net, Dave Sutherland Vancouver, Vic Owen Sound Free-Net, Ontario, Brian Minielly Halton Region Hometown Mainline, Pete Marshall Edmonton Free-Net Calgary Durham Free-Net Victoria Free-Net, Roger Hart Cranbrook Freenet, Dave Mt. Arrowsmith Free-Net, Jim Searden Free-Net, MB B.C. Free-Net, Gary Shearman REMM-Montreal Andre George Hamilton Rick Booth, Voting will take place by 12 noon, Seconded David Tallan Friendly ammendment -- Make time 11 a.m. CARRIED (Amendment by Michael G. Blue Sky) Moved by Jon Hall, Break into self selected workgroups to discuss six items on the agenda. Those groups to report back by 10:30 a.m. no seconder identified Moved by Andre (REMM) seconded by David Tallen Proceed immediately with brief speeches by each candidate CARRIED Moved by Michael Gillespie Sec. by Rick Booth: Nominations close at 9:51 a.m. CARRIED 18 candidates to speak for maximum of 3 minutes each, honour system. Rosaleen of National Capital withdrew in favour of Dave Sutherland. Voting Procedures were displayed on overhead projector, and agreed upon by concensus. Moved by Jon Hall seconded by Andre: that we appoint Brian Monkman and Gordon Pearson CARRIED Moved by Michael Gillespie and seconded by David Tallen: that we vote at 10:56 a.m. Discussion categories condensed into: 1) relationship with NPTN, 2) lobbying function, 3) mentoring function Discussion of suggested issues for incoming board: Set up working groups Mission Statement work Prepare statement for Advisory Council Moved by John Norman, seconded by Larry Geller: Let the board decide what their priorities are. CARRIED Oct 14-23rd National Science and Technology Week. Jon Hall, Edmonton Free-Net. Edmonton is planning to launch their Free- Net during that week to build on that activity. Individual Free- Nets interested in planning simultaneous events, whether they are launches or not, are invited to co-ordinate to maximize public relations exposure for us as a whole. Jon will be the clearing house for collecting individual press releases and announcements. Rosaleen, will compile a list of national media. What are Free-Nets for? Presented by chair of group. (list here incomplete. Will be posted to canfree) Community. People. Culture. Information. Services. Organizations. Vehicle. Social Change. Democratic. Voice. Facilitate. Accelerate. Connect. SHare. Interchange, Enable, Drive, support, discuss, access, voice. Language issues for Free-Nets. Presented by Andre. First: Technical problem for non-English access. T.C. should be able to help with that. Also need to help Freenets in smaller communities to get out documents in both languages. Financial Issues. Presented by Gary Shearman. Brainstorming session on ways of sustaining Free-Nets. Small scale ideas on how free-nets could raise money for themselves. 1) T.c. work on the national level to support operations 2) T.C. support the creation of a central clearing house for local experience in funding matters. Technical Issues. Presented by ___ in absence of group chair. How can we make better use of shared experience? Already have a technical mailing list at carleton. Commitment to make more use of it to exchange info. Work to reduce duplication of effort by compiling an archive for software and technical documentation. Toronto Free-Net tentatively identified as site. Internet Engineering Task Force style working group to be explored for Canadian Free-Nets. People have been identified to take action. Elected are: Gillespie, Michael Hart, Roger Laurendeau, Andre Nugent, Kevin Shearman, Gary Sutherland, Dave Williams, Lynda Chairmanship turned over to Andre L. as board member with largest number of votes. Ontario Free-Nets asked to stay behind to discuss possibility of forming a provincial group. Broke for lunch. Board to meet at lunch. Motion to destroy the ballets passed unanimously. --------------------------------------------------- Lynda Williams, M.L.S., M.Sc. / President, P.G. Free-Net / Prince George, B.C. CANADA -- Garth Graham Coordinator, Canadian Community Networks Conference, and founding meeting, Telecommunities Canada, Aug. 15-17, 1994 Box 86, Ashton, Ont., K0A 1B0, 613-253-3497
Date of file: 1994-Sep-01