Date: Sat, 10 Sep 1994 13:45:10 -0300 From: Kevin Alexander James Nugent Subject: wishlists from working groups WORKING GROUP WISH LISTS: A. MENTORING GROUP: MENTORS will operate for three levels: Organizers providers users youth (this must be very focused) TC can be a source for future teachers and trainers. Mentor should be a motivator Response team model SUPPORT: Should develop kits. ie. marketing plans, business plans, organizational plans. All this for those groups just getting started. Technical support maintain a to do list, contact list, resource list. provide internet access to listservs, ftp sites, etc. for relevant material. PEOPLES CONNECTION: Facilitate the use of other local and national groups as a source of volunteers. - literacy FUNDING: Kit cost must be funded. Road show is suggested. (Travelling advisors, I assume.) Be a source/hub for traditional and electronic networking. B. LOBBY GROUP: A: Public Relations - media relations - publications(newsletter?) - events B: Government relations - direct proposals - solicitations - policy watchdog - government lobbying C: Business/regulatory relations - crtc - telcos - cable - internet wholesalers I guess they meant be the one who strikes relationships and such. ISSUES: A: Public Relations *Positioning strategy* Deliverable #1 By mid October (Sci-Tech week) - Mission statement. (image, identification, positioning statements) Suggested strategies: - Consolidate members' mission statements? - identify processes and people for coordination of information gathering re:pr - ensure ongoing interaction and feedback over email etc. - have a media relations strategy with a media kit. B: Government Relations Deliverable #2 Response to the advisory council by late September. Suggestions: - coordinate and vet with members - international perspectives? Deliverable #3 Negotiating/lobbying strategy for charitable status. (eg. strategies for individual members to expidite) by end of Sept. Suggestions: - identify key government contacts - research outside resources C: regulatory Deliverable #4 Lobby strategy for... - Special tariffs for lower internet access charges and line charges for freenets (crtc and telcos) Deliverable #5 - common carrier statusfor freenets? (Need policy guidelines) - content liability issues. D: Professional association relations. Deliverable #6 - Make key associations aware of the freenet movement. C. RELATIONS WITH NPTN GROUP NPTN provides: - name - legal archive - cybercasting services - a listserv - information clearinghouse - marketing material - startup advice - education - insurance package What we want from our relationship: - The option to use the freenet name - diversity/flexibility - More international evolution - cooperation/communication on transnational issues. - information sharing including lobbying techniques and technical cooperation. - TC will speak for Canadian community networks - a structured relationship What we don't want: - Application of American standards to Canadian Networks - Competition/conflict on national issues. - "leadership" from NPTN
Date of file: 1994-Sep-14