FINAL AGENDA 2.4: August 17, 1994 CANADIAN COMMUNITY NETWORKS CONFERENCE and founding meeting of TELECOMMUNITIES CANADA August 15-17, 1994 Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario Sponsored by: - Industry Canada - Treasury Board Secretariat - Morino Institute - Ontario, Culture, Tourism and Recreation; Libraries and Community Information Branch - Ontario, Economic Development and Trade; Information Infrastructure Branch - Rogers Ottawa - National Capital FreeNet THE CONFERENCE CREW: Chairman: David Sutherland (, Director, Computing and Communications Services, Carleton University; and President, National Capital FreeNet Inc. Program coordination: Garth Graham ( Site administration: Miranda Gray ( Registration: Tom Riley ( Realtime Online Recording Team: Rosaleen Dickson ( or ( Stephen Toy (, Conference menu / gopher site admin. Technical Team: Brian Monkman ( or ( Nominations / Recommendations Committee - Lisa K. Donnelly, NCF Interim Director of Ops ( - Gordon Pearson, NCF Director of Development ( Working Group Discussion Moderators: (Discussion group rooms: University Commons Building) A (Room 211) - Julie Chahal ( B (Room 212) - Lynda Williams ( C (Room 213) - Louise McGillis ( D (Room 224) - John Norman (John_G._Norman@TVO.ORG) E (Room 100, St. Pats Bldg) - Chris Bradshaw ( Moderators for participant selected discussions : Group I: (Room 211) Uses and purposes: Don Richardson ( Group II: (Room 212) Sustainability: Gareth Shearman ( ) Group III: (Room 213) Future technology directions: Andrew Patrick ( Group IV: (Room 224) Francophone services: Andre Laurendeau ( This conference was action oriented. In addition to panel presentations, conference participants had the opportunity to participate in working group discussions to develop "action agendas" addressing key issues in the development of community networks. The action agendas directly affected the priorities of Telecommunities Canada concerning issues of national support. There is a conference submenu / gopher on National Capital FreeNet, and the conference summary is posted to it. DAY ONE Sunday, August 14 6:00 - 7:00 pm REGISTRATION * Carleton Tour and Conference Centre, University Commons Building, by the Residence Commons Registration Desk 6:00 - 6:45 CHAIRMAN'S MEETING WITH SPEAKERS, MODERATORS AND RECORDERS * University Commons Building, Room 213 7:00 - 9:00 pm RECEPTION AND CASH BAR * Multipurpose room, Stormont House DAY TWO Monday, August 15 ALL CONFERENCE PLENARY SESSIONS AND THE TELECOMMUNITIES CANADA MEETING WILL BE HELD IN FENN LOUNGE, UNIVERSITY COMMONS 8:00 - 9:00 am REGISTRATION * Foyer of Fenn Lounge, University Commons Building 9:00 - 10:00 am PLENARY SESSION - * Conference overview: David Sutherland, Conference Chairman * Welcome: Parke Davis, Director General,Information Highway Advisory Council Secretariat. * Nominating and recommendations process, Telecommunities Canada meeting, Garth Graham * Introduction of the Realtime Online Recording Team, Rosaleen Dickson. * Keynote speaker: Mark Surman ( Writer, media critic, community television production teacher and information activist. "Social activism and the electronic commons: from community television to freenets." 10:00 - 10:15 am Refreshment break 10:15 - 11:15 am FREE-NET RESEARCH ON USE AND DEMOGRAPHICS * Andrew Patrick and Alex Black, ( ), Communications Research Centre. "National Capital FreeNet uses and users: research methods and preliminary results." * Leslie Regan Shade ( or ( McGill University, Grad. Program in Communications. E-Connections: an ONIP sponsored feasibility study to investigate email and other internetworking technologies for Ontario nonprofits. * Pieter Tops, Professor ( Kees Schalken. Phd-student ( Department of policy science, Tilburg University, , Netherlands. 'The digital city, local democracy in a Dutch virtual community' Reporting on research about a Dutch 'freenet'-experiment located in Amsterdam, called the "the digital city". This includes a survey of 1200 participants about their backgrounds and interests, and analyses the impact of freenets on democratic decision-making and local economic development. 11:15 - 12:15 pm PARTNERSHIPS IN PUBLIC ACCESS: LEARNING TO USE THE MEDIUM * Rory McGreal (, TeleEducation, New Brunswick "The Subcommittee on Learning and Training, Information Highway Advisory Council." * Karen Kostaszek ( OR, Director, SchoolNet Support Group, and President, Ingenia Communications Corporation "SchoolNets, educational networking, and common goals with Canadian community networks." * Lynda Williams (, President, P.G. Free-Net, Prince George, B.C. "Rural access, public libraries and Free-Nets" 12:15 - 1:30 pm Lunch (Conference supplied): Picnic; Residence Quad 1:30 - 2: 25 pm PLENARY SESSION - * Keynote speaker: Sam Sternberg ( Community Nets Activist. "Earth is a local dialing zone: the economics of flat-rate access." * Keynote speaker: Marita Moll ( Public Advisory Council on Information Highway Policy, and Research and Information Services, Canadian Teachers' Federation. "Virtual Lobby: moderating a public policy forum on the can.infohighway Newsgroup." * Keynote speaker: John O'Hara (, "The South Bristol Learning Centre." 2:25 - 3:10 pm MANAGING COMMUNITY NETWORKS * Kyla Huckerby (, Office Manager, National Capital FreeNet * John Hall, Project Manager, Metropolitan Edmonton Information Network (MEIN) * Rick Broadhead (, Executive Director, Toronto Free-Net 3:10 - 3:30 pm Refreshment break 3:30 - 4:30 pm Working group discussions 7:00 - 9:00 pm DINNER * Keynote Speaker: David Johnston. Chair, The Advisory Council on the Information HIghway, Government of Canada. "The Information Highway and Free-Nets (working title)." Location: Multipurpose Room, first floor, Stormont Bldg DAY THREE Tuesday, August 16 9:00 - 10:15 am SEEKING SOLID GROUND (A): SUSTAINABLE ORGANIZATIONAL MODELS * Roger Hart (, Senior Consultant, Teleconsult Limited, Victoria B.C. "Evolving Freenets into a Ubiquitous Community Service -- the Industry Canada Sustainability Study" * John Stevenson (, Telecommunity Development Group, Guelph, "FreeSpace organizational model." * Kaye Gapen (, Director of Research Services, The Morino Institute, Great Falls, Virginia. The Morino Institute and the Evolution of Community Networking 10:15 - 10:30 am Refreshment break 10:30 - 11:30 am SEEKING SOLID GROUND (B): PROVINCIAL / FEDERAL PERSPECTIVES ON COMMUNITY NETWORK DEVELOPMENT * Gareth R. Shearman ( ) President, British Columbia FreeNet Association "Provincial overview of Free-Nets in British Columbia" * Angela Vassos (, Libraries and Community Information Branch, Ontario Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation. "How Ontario thinks about Free-Nets." * Andrew Siman, Director, Communications Development Directorate, Industry Canada. "Community network access: the role of the Government of Canada." * Michael Gillespie, Vice President, Blue Sky FreeNet (, "Manitoba province-wide linkage plan." 11:30 - 12:15 pm Working group discussions 12:15 - 1:30 pm Lunch (Conference supplied): Picnic; Residence Quad 1:30 - 2:30 pm COMMUNITY NETS SOFTWARE: FUTURE DIRECTIONS * Andrew Patrick (, Panel moderator, Communications Research Centre and NCF Vice President "Community network software: an overview." * David Trueman ( ), Chebucto technical lead, "Experience with Chebucto Suite." * Greg Searle (, Consultant, Developer, Programmer, Telecommunity Development Group, Guelph "Development of the FreeSpace graphical user interface." * Ian Duncan (, McGill University Computing Centre, and E-Connections (an ONIP sponsored project), "Technical choices for networked community activities." 2:30 - 3:00 pm PLENARY SESSION * Keynote speaker: Ken Stein, Canadian Cable TV Association 3:00 - 3:15 pm Refreshment break 3:15 - 4:15 PARTICIPANT SELECTED FOCUSED WORKING GROUP DISCUSSIONS * GROUP I: What are Free-Nets for? - uses and purposes Moderator: Don Richardson ( * GROUP II: Sustainability and finance Moderator: Gareth Shearman ( ) * GROUP III: Future directions in Community Network technology Moderator: Andrew Patrick ( * GROUP IV: Libertel; services for Francophone communities Moderator: Andre Laurendeau (, Le Reseau Electronique du Montreal Metropolitain 4:15 - 4:30 pm PLENARY SESSION: * Conference conclusion and planning of Telecommunities Canada meeting Evening: TELECOMMUNITIES CANADA REPS OF COMMUNITY NETWORKS MEETING * Finalize TC agenda and elections process DAY FOUR: TELECOMMUNITIES CANADA FOUNDING MEETING Wednesday, August 17 9:00 am - 3:00 pm - Issues and priorities discussion - Election of seven board members - Wrap up session including remarks from incoming officers -- Garth Graham Coordinator, Canadian Community Networks Conference, and founding meeting, Telecommunities Canada, Aug. 15-17, 1994 Box 86, Ashton, Ont., K0A 1B0, 613-253-3497
Date of file: 1994-Aug-26