and Victoria Freenet are both established as not for profit
Corporations and have applied for charity status. The
Victoria Freenet has already had its application for the
charity status rejected by Revenue Canada. The affects of
whether charity status is granted to a Freenet should not be
all that critical to the success of a system. Most donations
will be given by individuals using the system because they
like the services that it provides and not because it is a
tax write off. The NCF has four main committees: Community
Relations -- dealing with both users and information
providing organizations. Systems Design -- hardware and
software installation, maintenance and issues (such as
developing bilingual capability, interfaces, etc.) Public
Access -- arranging for public terminals, other access
questions Ways and Means -- funding, coordinating volunteers,
registration, help line, etc. NCF has recently hired an
office manager, and that will help reduce the extensive
pressures on the Board, leaving it free to deal with policy
issues such as how much internet access to allow, dealing
with problem postings (and problem Usenet news groups),
commercialization, paying for services, etc.