COMMENTS ON THE FEDERAL ELECTION PROJECT, AND OTHER POLITICAL ISSUES... On the topic of the NCF Federal Election Project, one participant felt that one could expand the project by getting the local newspaper to print the postings from the FreeNet - by doing so the politicians would be able to expand their audience. He saw the FreeNet as another opportunity for political parties to convey their messages. It was felt that electronic access to candidates was inevitable and those politicians that took advantage of this communications means would have an advantage in the long-run. Julie Chahal, who has been working on this project,discussed some of the candidates reactions to this project - they wanted to avoid written records of their statements and did not want to lose the power of "misquotes"; fringe parties have been very keen, while the mainstream parties have resisted the most because they had the most to lose. Another participant brought up the issue that over an electronic medium you lose the charisma/ the image of the candidate. Candidates often rely on the entire package, not just their words. As she mentioned, the first person hired for damage control is an image consultant. Some people in the group thought this forum might be more useful as a debate between national parties - a way of distributing national level discussions/party positions. Others were concerned that the candidates may get lost in the discussions, it may end up being debates between candidates' supporters. A suggestion was made that it might be more useful to make all-candidates meetings available electronically in real-time.
Date of file: 1993-Aug-24