COMMUNITY ACCESS TO THE INFORMATION HIGHWAY TAKE CHARGE OF THE INFORMATION HIGHWAY! Ottawa, May 7-9, 1995 Speakers: Karen Adams, Executive Director, Canadian Library Association Marc Belanger, Coordinator, Technical Office, Canadian Union of Public Employees; initiator of SoliNet Valerie Collicott, Artemis Consulting The Honourable Claude Forget, co-author of *The Media and the Muse* Dr. Ursula Franklin, distinguished scientist advisor to government on science policy Michael Gillespie, VP, Blue Sky Freenet, Manitoba; Treasurer, Telecommunities Can. Elizabeth Hoffman, Chair, Steering Committee, Coalition for Public Information; Ombudsman, University of Toronto; member of the Infor- mation Highway Advisory Council Keith Kelly, National Director, Canadian Conference of the Arts Rainer Paduch, Pres., fONOROLA i*internet Jean-Claude Parrot, Exec. VP of Canadian Labour Congress; member of the Information Highway Advisory Council Leslie Regan Shade, doctoral candidate Communications, McGill University Kirk Roberts, co-founder of Web, Executive Director of Nirvcentre Irene Seiferling, President, Consumers' Association of Canada; member of the Infor- mation Highway Advisory Council Mark Surman, author and community cable and network activist Marty Thompson, co-ordinator of Community Access, Ingenia
Date of file: 1995-May-01