General Information Location: Tudor Inn Hall 3750 Bowesville
Road 613 739-4287 (just N. of airport, off Hunt Club Rd.)
Fee: $95.00 + GST until April 20 $130.00 + GST after April 20
$150.00 + GST at the door Subsidies: * 30 Subsidized spaces
available @ $50.00 * Request special subsidized registration
form * Subsidies will be allocated on first-come,
first-served basis, according to receipt of completed form
Accommodations: Travelodge Hotel, 402 Queen St. 613 236-1133
$67 single / $69 double Quality Hotel, 290 Rideau St. 613
789-7511 $72 double or single Mention that you are registered
for the "Community Access to the Information Highway"
conference Shuttlebus service has been arranged between the
hotels and the conference site. * For more information:
1-800-265-3973 in Ottawa: 594-5960 email John Thurston, or Mitchell Beer,