National Capital FreeNet / Libertel de la Capitale nationale

NCF Board and Management Team Offsite Meeting:
Committee of the Whole
"Double-down, pivot or both?"
Saturday November 9, 2019 
Richmond Room, 2nd floor Ottawa City Hall

Minutes of a meeting

The meeting was scheduled to begin at 9 am.

Board members present:
Christopher Cope (bz787) Chair
Peter Chapman (fx720) 1st Vice-Chair
Peter MacKinnon (fr198) 2nd Vice-Chair
Sterling Jimenez (ga867) Treasurer
Martin Dubois (al432)
Michael Chan (ga869)
Andrea Holland (es170)

Graeme Beckett (aw958) Secretary
Oliver Benning (ga678)
Lauren Gardner (fy923)
Anis Hanna (gb499)

Staff  regrets:
Andre Dalle, System and Network Administrator

NCF Management/Staff present:
Executive Director: Shelley Robinson
Will Robson, Service Development Manager
Andrew Martey Asare, Service Operations Manager

Staff  regrets:
Andre Dalle, System and Network Administrator



9am: Start (bagels, coffee, tea and juice, fruit)
9:15am: Ice-breaker
9:30am: Budget, pricing and sector context
10am: Pricing review
11:30: Funding Drive
12pm-1pm: LUNCH
1pm: Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) and beyond: MUSH (Municipalities, Universities, Schools and Hospitals) and Multiple Dwelling Units (MDUs)
1:45pm: OTF and beyond: Expanding the Community Access Fund (CAF)
2:30pm: Next steps.

Related Documents:

  • NCF-BoardOffsitev2-Nov19: Shelley’s presentation on our current context
  • DSLPricing-Nov19-v17: Pricing predictions and options based on current rates
  • NCF-2019YEProjections-Oct2219: Year-end financial predictions, presented at the October Board meeting
  • Telecom Order CRTC 2019-288_CRTC: Final rates for aggregated wholesale high-speed access services
  • OTF_MUSH & MDUs (and SMEs): Andrew’s presentation on future growth opportunity through Ontario Trillium Foundation grant or not
  • NCF-AmendedGoalsStratsandKPIs-Oct19: Amended KPIs, approved at October Board meeting
  • NCF-OffisteMeetingMotion-Ccope-Nov19: Chris’ notes on the motion below


The Committee recommends to the Board that they:

  1.  Instruct staff to immediately begin the process of increasing the price of the 10Mbps services by $3.00 per month.
  2. Ask staff to report back to the Board within 90 days on pricing models, with or without the decision of the Bell appeal of CRTC 2019-288 retroactive wholesale rates.
  3. Ask staff to launch a fundraising campaign as soon as possible and provide ideas for future campaigns.
  4. Ask staff to provide analytics and analysis of additional services and provide an interim report to the Board that includes results of a member survey and a SWOT analysis for the December 10th Board meeting, with a more detailed follow-up report by the February Board meeting.

Proposer: Andrea Holland (es170)
Seconder: Peter MacKinnon (fr198)
The motion was carried.

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