NCF Board of Directors
Minutes of Meeting
November 4, 2017
- The NCF's 25th anniversary event on Thursday September 28, 2017
was well attended and enjoyed!
- The 25th event included the launch of the book "aa000 25 Years
of National Capital FreeNet"!
Digital Access Day kicked-off on Tuesday, October 24th (NCF is a
founding member)
- The Low Income Services Handbook is done and being launched.
Minutes of a meeting of the Board of
The meeting was called to order at 9:17 a.m. with Chris Cope as Chair and Graeme Beckett as Secretary.
Board members present:
Christopher Cope (bz787) Chair
Peter Chapman (fx720) 1st Vice-Chair
Graeme Beckett (aw958) Secretary
Martin Dubois (fl152)
Jennifer Barrigar (bc839)
Lauren Gardner (fy923)
Diana Cantu (fz160)
Peter MacKinnon (fr198) 2nd Vice-Chair
Pete de Lepper
George Munoz (fz877)
NCF Management/Staff present:
Executive Director: Shelley Robinson
Peter Levesque
Once around the table.
Informal pre-meeting conversation, with Directors taking
turn offering personal views and commentary on
interesting things that might not make it to the
- Confirmation of
Quorum was confirmed.
- Review of the Agenda
MOTION: To accept agenda as circulated.
Moved by:
Jennifer Barrigar (bc839)
Seconded by: Martin Dubois (fl152)
VOTE All in favor. VOTE: Adopted
- Review of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
MOTION: Motion to accept the minutes of September 26, 2017 as
Moved by: Peter Chapman (fx720)
Seconded by:
Lauren Gardner (fy923)
VOTE All in favor. VOTE: Adopted
- Executive Director's Report (Shelley Robinson)
Shelley distributed her ED report in advance of the
meeting for both the open and in-camera sessions of the meeting.
Select Highlights from ED Report
As of September 1/17: 3231 members
As of October 1/17: 3266 members
As of October 23/17: 3279
Projection for October 31/17: 3275 members
(As of October 1/16: 3063 members)
(As of October 1/15: 2982 members)
● DSL member subscriptions continue to increase week over week
● The 10G routers and related equipment have arrived! Andre and
have started installation, we’ll post information in newsletter
and on
StartPage about some potential outages as we transition.
● We are currently only selling Smart-RG modems as we are sold
out of
ADSL modems and none are available to order. Will be dropping
the price
from $105 to $100 + HST, available in three to four installation
● Digital Access Day kick-off on Tuesday, October 24th at
Brasserie on Sussex. ● 53 people have registered so far ●
The Low Income Services Handbook is done and being launched as
of the Access = Skills = Opportunities grant on Thursday,
October 26th at
6:30 at Foster Farm Community Centre ● Attended Centre for
Social Enterprise Development (CSED) breakfast
about social finances (cool case study of Eat More Soup!)
● Ongoing weekly meetings with our partners CompuCorps and
Internet Society
Canada Chapter (ISCC) re: Digital Access Day
● Attended CompuCorps’ AGM, introduced NCF, gave out some
books, encouraged people to get involved with Digital Access Day
● Attended Connected Canada 150 keynote with Hillary Hartley,
Digital Officer of Ontario ● Attended ISOC’s Internet
Governance meet-up: was good, they’re
planning on making it monthly
25th anniversary: ● 183 people registered with turnout
of 150+ ● coverage on CBC Radio One’s “All in a Day”
● Book donations of $1020 from the launch
● Positive feedback in person and on social media
The above was the open portion/session of the Executive
Director's Report.
- In-Camera Portion of the Executive Director's Report
MOTION: To move in-camera. Moved by: Diana Cantu (fz160)
Seconded by:
Lauren Gardner (fy923) VOTE All in favor. VOTE: Adopted
MOTION: To move out of camera. Moved by:
Jennifer Barrigar (bc839) Seconded by: Martin Dubois (fl152) VOTE All in favor. VOTE:
MOTION: To receive the Executive Director's
Report. Moved by: Diana Cantu (fz160) Seconded by: Pete de Lepper
(fx621) VOTE All in favor. VOTE: Adopted
Ongoing Business
- New Business
- None
- Announcements
For personal reasons board member
Carole Charest (fz871) resigned from the board prior to the board
MOTION: To thank Carole for her involvement as a board
member. Moved by: Graeme Beckett (aw958) Seconded by:
Lauren Gardner (fy923) VOTE All in favor. VOTE: Adopted
- Date of Next Meeting
The next regular meeting will be
November 28, 2017
NCF Offices, Suite 206 Richmond Square, 1305 Richmond Rd.
- Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 9:43am.
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by the author)