National Capital FreeNet / Libertel de la Capitale nationale

NCF Board of Directors
Minutes of Meeting
April 20, 2016 


  • The Auditor's Report is advanced to the 2016 AGM.
  • Motion to advance the recommendation of KPMG at the 2016 AGM.
  • Motion of recognition for outgoing board members Tom Moore and Lynn LaHam.

Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors

The meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m. with Chris Cope as Chair and Graeme Beckett as Secretary.


Board members present:
Christopher Cope (bz787) Chair
Tom Moore (fw054) 1st Vice-Chair
Peter Chapman (fx720) 2nd Vice-Chair
Lynn LaHam (fy504) Treasurer
Graeme Beckett (aw958) Secretary
Robert McRae (fy409)

Phil Linttell (fx714)
Jennifer Barrigar (bc839)
Peter MacKinnon (fr198)
Lauren Gardner (fy923)

NCF Management/Staff present:


Once around the table.
Informal pre-meeting conversation, with Directors taking turn offering personal views and commentary on interesting things that might not make it to the Agenda.

  1. Confirmation of Quorum

    Quorum was confirmed.
  2. Review of the Agenda 

    Item 6 b) was added to the agenda.

    MOTION: To accept agenda as revised.
    Moved by: Lynn LaHam (fy504)
    Seconded by: Peter Chapman (fx720)
    VOTE: All in favor. 
    VOTE: Adopted
  3. Review of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting

     Motion to accept the minutes of March 22, 2016 as revised.
    Moved by:  Peter Chapman (fx720)
    Seconded by: Lynn LaHam (fy504)
    VOTE: All in favor. 
    VOTE: Adopted
  4. Ongoing Business 
    1. 2016 AGM Update (Graeme Beckett)

      The early AGM website is online and linked to the StartPage. Additional information such as reports are being gathered. Candidates will be contacted for candidate statements as the nominations process proceeds. The Board extends its thanks to Jim Elder for his considerable past contributions in assisting with previous Annual General Meetings.

      To receive the report from the AGM Chair and to extend our thanks to Jim Elder.
      Moved by: Lynn LaHam (fy504)
      Seconded by: Peter Chapman (fx720)
      VOTE: All in favor. 
      VOTE: Adopted
    2. Nomination Committee Report

      Peter updated the Board with a list of several candidates and enlisted the assistance of board member Tom Moore to conduct further review. Peter and Tom will keep the Board updated via the Board alias. 

      To receive the report from the Nomination Committee Chair.
      Moved by: Lynn LaHam (fy504)
      Seconded by: Tom Moore (fw054)
      VOTE: All in favor. 
      VOTE: Adopted
    3. Audit Committee Report

      The year-end statements from KPMG were circulated to the Board in advance of the meeting and Lynn offered additional insight from the Audit Committee meeting with them.

      To accept and advance the Auditor's Report to the 2016 AGM.
      Moved by: Peter Chapman (fx720)
      Seconded by: Tom Moore (fw054)
      VOTE: All in favor. 
      VOTE: Adopted
  5. Reports  
    1. Executive Director's Report (Shelley Robinson)

      Due to the rescheduled Board meeting Shelley was unable to attend however the Executive Director's Report was provided in advance of the meeting.

      The Board members all acknowledged they had read the Executive Director's report, had no questions or comments and this item was received without any further discussion.   

      Select Highlights from ED Report

      - Bell''s ongoing promo amended by easing some restrictions.
      - April 4th, new DSL pricing sent out to members.
      - Ther new 10/1 350GB DSL plan proving popular.
      - DSL Installation fee reduced to $25 until May 31 (may be extended)  

      - WiseNet (ESDC) - amended agreement to included related office and equipment items. 

      - Newsletter to members sent out March 30th.
      - This month's workshop was "Protecting your computer".

      - AGM notice posted online and in newsletter.
      - Audit Committee met with KPMG.

      To receive the Executive Director's Report
      Moved by: Graeme Beckett (aw958)
      Seconded by: Robert McRae (fy409)
      VOTE All in favor.
      VOTE: Adopted
  6. New Business
    1. 2016 AGM Motion

      To approve and advance the motion recommending KPMG be appointed the National Capital Freenet`s auditor for consideration by the membership at the 2016 AGM.
      Moved by: Lynn LaHam (fy504)
      Seconded by: Peter Chapman (fx720)
      VOTE All in favor.
      VOTE: Adopted
    2. Motion of Thanks to Outgoing Board Members

       A hearty thanks to Tom Moore and Lynn LaHam for their significant contributions to the members of National Capital FreeNet while serving on the Board of Directors.
      Christopher Cope (bz787)
      Graeme Beckett (aw958)
      VOTE All in favor.
      VOTE: Adopted
  7. Announcements

    There were no NCF related announcements.
  8. Date of Next Meeting

    The next regular meeting will be June 2, 2016,
    NCF Offices, Suite 206 Richmond Square, 1305 Richmond Rd.
  9. Adjournment

    The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

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