National Capital FreeNet / Libertel de la Capitale nationale

NCF Board of Directors
Minutes of Special Teleconference Meeting
December 13, 2013 

The meeting was called to order at 7:13 p.m. with Gary Eikenberry as Chair and Secretary.

Board members present:
Gary Eikenberry (aa353) President
Mike Kelly (fm342) 2nd Vice-president
Peter MacKinnon (fr198) 1st Vice-president
Alan McRae (fl334) Treasurer
Ken McCarthy (fr786)

Amy Yee (fp017)
Graeme Beckett (aw958)
Christopher Cope (bz787)
Michael Weiss (ft850)
Tom Moore (fw054)

NCF Management/Staff present:
Tony McNeill, Executive Director


  1. Confirmation of Quorum

    Quorum was confirmed by means of a roll call
  2. Motion to amend signing officers:

    It was moved that the list of signing officers be amended to designate President, Gary
    Eikenberry, Treasurer, Alan McRae; First Vice-President, Peter MacKinnon; Second Vice-
    President, Mike Kelly; and Executive Director, Tony McNeill as signing officers for the
    National Capital Freenet.
    Moved: Peter MacKinnon
    Seconded: Ken McCarthy
    Vote: Carried
  3. Adjournment

    The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. on a motion by Peter MacKinnon.

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