National Capital FreeNet / Libertel de la Capitale nationale

NCF Board of Directors
Minutes of Meeting
May 22, 2012


Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. with Chris Cope as Chair and Graeme Beckett as Secretary.


Board members present:
Christopher Cope (bz787), President
Gary Eikenberry (aa353) 1st Vice-president
Alan McRae (fl334) Treasurer
Graeme Beckett (aw958) Secretary
Doug Hull (aa800)
Mike Kelly (fm342)
Peter MacKinnon (fr198)

Amy Yee (fp017)
Michael Weiss (ft850)
Ken McCarthy (fr786)

NCF Management/Staff present:
Ross Kouhi (ah455), Executive Director


  1. Confirmation of Quorum

    Quorum was confirmed.
  2. Summary Update  

    The Executive Director circulated a summary update on the NCF finances and the progress on the DSL transition in advance of the board meeting. There was a modest surplus over the last quarter and DSL numbers had moved up to 2,600. Bell had mistakenly billed us 1.5 months in advance for a portion of the DSL transition charges however Ross was able to have these charges reversed. More detailed financials will be available when our bookkeeper Shirley returns from vacation.

    Our new LNS router was in place, the fibre from Bell installed and testing via  the LCP tunnel keys was accomplished. The 3 day lease on the modems was changed to a 5 day lease to soften the affects of the transition. Our second LNS router was expected to ship on June 4.

    MOTION: Receive the Executive Director's Summary Report.
    Moved by: Mike Kelly (fm342)
    Seconded by: Doug Hull (aa800)
    VOTE: All in favor. 
    VOTE: Adopted

  3. Resolution for Bank Loan.
    The NCF wholesaler transition is occurring imminently, and there is potential for overlap of costs while moving between systems. In an earlier resolution the board approved the application for a loan. Approval for the loan in the amount of $35k has been received from RBC.

    MOTION: The board resolves that the Executive Director can proceed with executing on the $35,000 loan from RBC at his discretion based on judgment of the developing financial needs.
    Moved by: Doug Hull (aa800)
    Seconded by:Peter MacKinnon (fr198)
    VOTE All in favor.
    VOTE: Adopted
  4. Date of Next Meeting

    The next regular meeting will be June 19, 2012, NCF Offices, Suite 302 Trailhead Building.

  5. Adjournment

    The meeting adjourned at 5:34 p.m.

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