The following Board members were present:
Graeme Beckett | President | aw958 | GB |
Sandy Campbell | Secretary | dt820 | SC |
Christopher Cope | bz787 | CC | |
Gary Eikenberry | aa353 | GE | |
Seline Herz-Fischler | 1st Vice-President | as370 | SH |
Mark Mielke | al278 | MM | |
John Peterson | af186 | JP | |
Catherine Wenuk | ep584 | CW | |
John Wenuk | ep585 | JW |
The following Board members sent regrets:
Miranda Gray | 2nd Vice-President | ak717 | MG |
David Millman | Treasurer | aa342 | DM |
NCF Staff/Management present:
Sheila Alder | Office Manager | bw306 |
Andre Dalle | System Administrator | al178 |
Ian MacEachern | Executive Director | bi207 |
NCF members present:
Jim Elder | aa456 |
Robert Rattey | ac866 |
Richard Webb | dw413 |
Minute-Taker: Seline Herz-Fischler (as370)
The meeting was called to order with Graeme Beckett as Chair, and Sandy Campbell as Secretary.
Approved as amended.
Chris believes that the higher-than-historic level of deferred contributions mentioned in the Treasurer's report is due to budgetting relating to projects that were expected to have started by now but that are behind schedule.
Ian's attention was drawn to the renewal process.
Ian started in the role of Executive Director on April 9, and was warmly welcomed by the board. Ian reviewed his experiences in his first week in the role, and thanked Chris Cope and others for assistance and introductions.
Sheila reviewed recent problems with the sending and processing of renewal letters noting that the letters did not go out for approximately 3 weeks.
Modem problems continue.
Sheila attended a conference sponsored by Ontario Works, and was able to make useful contacts and distribute over 800 NCF information brochures.
MOVED by Sandy Campbell, SECONDED by Mark Mielke that Chris Cope be appointed to the position of President of NCF
In discussion, John Peterson recommended, in light of bylaw 23, to include the phrase "Graeme Beckett be removed"; others disagreed that this was necessary under bylaw 23. To facilitate matters, Cathy suggested an amendment to the motion, as follows:
As amended: MOVED by Sandy Campbell, SECONDED by Mark Mielke that Graeme Beckett be removed and Chris Cope be appointed to the position of President of NCF
MOTION CARRIED (as amended)
In favour: Cathy, JohnW, JohnP, Gary, Seline, Mark,
Abstain: Chris, Graeme
MOVED by Mark Mielke, SECONDED by Seline Herz-Fischler that Graeme Beckett be thanked for his contributions as President and assuming the role of Executive Director during the last months
In favour: Cathy, JohnW, Chris, JohnP, Gary, Seline,
Abstain: Sandy, Graeme
Cathy noted that during the AGM it was announced that seven board positions were to filled, two of which would be one-year terms; however, by error, the AGM results indicated only one position with a one-year term. Cathy recommended that the positions be filled as announced during the AGM, and not as erroneously reported. Thus Cathy would have a one-year term, not a two-year term.
MOVED by Chris Cope, SECONDED by Gary Eikenberry that the terms of office be as designated in the online election call for the 2001 AGM and that the AGM chair report the results to conform with those terms of office.
All in favour.
(Chris withdrew this item, recommending that it be considered in May)
John recommended that the bylaws be reviewed periodically and offered to help with such a review. It was felt that a good time to discuss this item would be later in the year, after the new President, new Executive Director, and Board have settled in and addressed urgent items.
Chris circulated a booklet published by HRDC titled "Dual Digital Divide" that talks about two inhibitors of internet diffusion: economics and motivation. The document is at
Chris announced that there will be an official launch of "SmartSites" by Industry Canada Minister Brian Tobin and City of Ottawa Mayor Bob Chiarelli on May 8th at 1:30pm at the Ottawa City Hall, as part of the inaugural event of SmartCapital. All are welcome, and Board members and staff are invited.
Sheila announced that she had participated in an interview for FYI Ottawa about senior sites. Click on "what's happening" on NCF's home page for more information.
May 15, 2001 at 7pm, Billings Room, City Hall, 111 Lisgar, Ottawa