Posted juillet 24, 2024 | Minutes


NCF Board of Directors
Minutes of Board Meeting
May 21, 2024

Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors

Board members present:
Anis Hanna (gb499) Chair
Majd Karam (gc029) 1st Vice Chair
Peter MacKinnon (fr198) 2nd Vice-Chair
Emmanuel Adenlolu (gc476) Treasurer
Graeme Beckett (aw958) Secretary
Chris Cope (bz787)
Michael Chan (ga869)
Eddie Villarta (gd683)
Stephen Fanjoy (gd782)

Chris Taylor (fs180)
Laura Novitsky (gd477)

NCF Management/Staff present:
Executive Director: Shelley Robinson

Philippe Renaurd from our auditor Marcil Lavallee

  1. Confirmation of Quorum

    Quorum was confirmed
  2. Consent Agenda (45 minutes: questions & comments or corrections)

    1. Approval of minutes of board meeting March 26, 2024

      Motion: To move in-camera.
      Proposer: Chris Cope (bz787)
      Seconder: Majd Karam (gc029)
      The motion was carried.
    2. Executive Director's Report

      The Executive Director's report was submitted in advance of the Board meeting. Highlights of the open portion of the meeting are provided below.

      Summary March 27 to April 30, 2024:
      NCF members at Apr. 1, 2024: 4860

      • We submitted our final submission for the CRTC 2023-56 review of the wholesale
      internet framework. Will post to the website’s advocacy page soon.
      • As mandated by CRTC 2023-358 Bell is required to make FTTP services available over existing aggregated infrastructure by May 7th! We still don’t know many of the practical details of this roll-out but are doing what we can to prepare for this ahead of time and will work to make it available to members as soon as we can.
      • Upcoming power outage at Carleton's data center where our network equipment resides.

      Updates May 1, to May 21, 2024:
      NCF members at May 1, 2024: 4753

      • After more than seven years of waiting, the CRTC mandated temporary wholesale access to Fibre-to-the-Home (aka Fibre-to-the-Premises or FTTP) internet services starting May 7. NCF is currently testing and hopes to make it available to members soon. We will be sending updates about this in a newsletter before the AGM. We’re still waiting for the CRTC’s final decision on the wholesale rates we pay Bell and Rogers
      • The NCF Board of Directors is recruiting new members: interested applicants can email nominations@ncf.ca
      • We’re holding a tenant info-session at 251/255 Donald St. for the Community WiFi Network later this week. We’re planning a public info-session for mid-September.
      • Applications for the two Canada Summer Jobs funded positions close today, applications will be reviewed and interviews booked soon. Thanks to all who applied!
      • NCF is partnering with CIRA (the Canadian Internet Registration Authority) to present a lunchtime webinar on Tuesday, June 11th entitled: “City Limits: is everyone in urban Canada getting the internet they need?”. Panelists include:
      • Jeff Buell, Manager of CIRA’s Internet Performance Testing program, talking about how CIRA is helping measure internet performance and what the data says about the digital divide;
      • Drew Bell, Director of Information Technology for the City of Saskatoon, talking about that city’s free WiFi pilot program covering 8-square blocks downtown in an effort to help connect the unconnected; and
      • Federal Court of Appeal Upcoming events:
      • NCF’s Andrew Martey-Asare talking about our plans to build a free Community WiFi Network serving Vanier, Overbrook and parts of Lowertown and Sandy Hill.
    3. Board appointments to committees

      Shelley will poll the board electronically.
    4. 2024 AGM dates

      Motion: To hold the virtual AGM on June 26, 2024.
      Proposer: Chris Cope (bz787)
      Seconder: Peter MacKinnon (fr198)
      The motion was carried.

      Motion: To approve the consent agenda.
      Proposer: Majd Karam (gc029)
      Seconder: Stephen Fanjoy (gd782)
      The motion was carried.
  3. Strategic Discussion: (60 minutes)
    1. Audited 2023 financial statements review with Philippe Philippe Renaud from Marcil Lavallee.

      This item was conducted in-camera
  4. Date of Next Meeting _________

    The next Board meeting June 18, 2024: Hybrid, electronic and in-person at NCF office.
  5. Standing agenda item for discussion without staff and review (15 minutes)
    1. Discussion item (Anis Hanna)

      This item was conducted in-camera.

      Motion: To move out of camera.
      Proposer: Majd Karam (gc029)
      Seconder: Chris Cope (bz787)
      The motion was carried.