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Résultats du vote

Candidats élus

Graeme Beckett

Candidate for the National Capital FreeNet Board of Directors

Votes : 155

Peter MacKinnon

Candidate for the National Capital FreeNet Board of Directors

Votes : 154

Anis Hanna

Candidate for the National Capital FreeNet Board of Directors

Votes : 146

Asiya Shams

Candidate for the National Capital FreeNet Board of Directors

Votes : 132

Spencer Callaghan

Candidate for the National Capital FreeNet Board of Directors

Votes : 127

Len Fardella

Candidate for the National Capital FreeNet Board of Directors

Votes : 122

Sean Geddes

Candidate for the National Capital FreeNet Board of Directors

Votes : 122

Candidates Not Elected

Emmanuel Adenlolu

Candidate for the National Capital FreeNet Board of Directors

Votes : 89


BE IT RESOLVED that the agenda for the 2024 annual meeting of members of the Corporation is approved as presented.

Motion passed.

BE IT RESOLVED that the financial statements of the Corporation for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2023, and the public accountant’s audit report thereon are hereby received by the members of the Corporation.

Motion passed.

BE IT RESOLVED that Marcil Lavallee, CPA, is appointed as the public accountant of the Corporation to hold office until the close of the next annual meeting of members of the Corporation and the directors of the Corporation are authorized to fix the remuneration of the public accountant.

Motion passed.

BE IT RESOLVED that any contracts, acts and proceedings of the directors and officers of the Corporation made since inception are hereby approved, confirmed and ratified.

Motion passed.

BE IT RESOLVED that the 2024 annual meeting of members of the Corporation is adjourned.

Motion passed.


Nombre d'électeurs : 178

Nombre total de votes pour les candidats : 1047