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Sean Geddes

Tuesday, June 18
NCF AGM: Board candidacy for Sean Geddes
Nominated by the NCF Board of Directors

What skills will you contribute to the NCF Board?

I possess a diverse range of skills and experiences that I believe would be beneficial in supporting the NCF board. At my current organization, I have contributed to the establishment of numerous strategic research and institutional initiatives in areas such as next-generation networks. I have leadership experience in strategic partnership development across various industries as well as leading marketing and communications initiatives. Currently, I am actively a part of the community in Kanata North. My professional journey has allowed me to develop strong critical thinking and analytical abilities, complemented by formal training. I have also had the unique opportunity to further cultivated experience in inclusive innovation (through IOG’s Leadership Development Program in Science Policy and Innovation), which I think would be of value in contributing to the NCF board’s mandate.

Educationally, I hold an MBA from the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa, an MSc in Neuroscience from the University of Ottawa, and a BSc in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Guelph. I believe these experiences will allow me to contribute effectively to the NCF board's mandate.

What are the most important functions of NCF for its members?

The National Capital FreeNet (NCF) plays a crucial role for its members by offering essential services such as internet access, email accounts, and web hosting for websites. In my opinion, the most important function of the NCF is ultimately connected people (digitally) who may not otherwise be able to gain access to these services.

Why do you want to be an NCF director?

I am interested in joining the board of directors at the National Capital FreeNet (NCF) because it offers an opportunity to make an impact within the Ottawa community, in an area that I feel is important, ensuring everyone can be connected. I feel my experiences and skills can help support the role Board Members play in guiding the organization's strategic direction to ensure it effectively meets the needs of its members and promotes digital inclusion.