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Len Fardella

Tuesday, June 18
NCF AGM: Board candidacy for Len Fardella
Nominated by the NCF Board of Directors

What skills will you contribute to the NCF Board?

I’ve been around the block a few times. I’ve worked with large global companies, small companies, start ups, non-profits and bootstrapped endeavours. I even run my own (actually, co-owned with my spouse) business, Peter’s New Jobs. I understand technology and love it but more for what it can do. I am a social enterprise champion and I like to think I’m pretty good at balancing social impact with the business realities needed to ensure survival. I bring a unique mix of business and non-profit experience along with extensive volunteer work, including a decade as a board member with the Parkdale Food Centre. I am pretty decent at developing strategic direction, much better at guiding execution and really excel in enabling teams to flourish and deliver. That’s the basic board stuff. I can be diplomatic when required and to the point when necessary. Having been around the block a few times, I have an extensive network in both the business and non-profit worlds who I think need to get to know the NCF.

What are the most important functions of NCF for its members?

Connecting and building community, the delivery of affordable internet services and digital literacy need to remain the organization’s core focus and I will be a strong champion for them. To me, this grass roots driven strategy is what makes NCF different and appealing. I am also a champion of wanting to see the organization grow, extend and expand its reach and impact. This needs a strong social enterprise driver to support that growth, ensure sustainability and give the organization more freedom and flexibility. I hope to be part of that effort as well.

Why do you want to be an NCF director?

Very simply, the timing is right. I have been aware of NCF for almost two decades but for one reason or another, our paths never crossed. My work in the non-profit sector over the last decade has highlighted the power, value and necessity of organizations like NCF in ensuring digital equity and financial independence for its members and many in Ottawa. It’s importance to new Canadian, marginlized groups and those who are just underrepresented in the digital world cannot be underestimated. NCF and services can be a great equalizer. That excites me. And of course, the timing is finally right. I think (it’s a biased opinion of course) I have the skills, experience and sufficient passion to help the organization grow it’s impact.