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Résultats du vote

Candidats élus

Chris Taylor fs180

Candidate for the National Capital FreeNet Board of Directors

Votes : 233

Majd Karam gc029

Candidate for the National Capital FreeNet Board of Directors

Votes : 229

Stephen Fanjoy gd782

Candidate for the National Capital FreeNet Board of Directors

Votes : 206

Eddie Villarta gd683

Candidate for the National Capital FreeNet Board of Directors

Votes : 184

Candidates Not Elected

Spencer Callaghan gd791

Candidate for the National Capital FreeNet Board of Directors

Votes : 168


Motion A - Appointment of Auditors

Be it resolved that National Capital FreeNet appoint the firm of Marcil Lavallée as its auditor for the current fiscal year.

La motion est adoptée.

Votes pour : 250

Votes contre : 3

Votes abstentions : 34


Nombre d'électeurs : 340

Nombre total de votes pour les candidats : 1020