
This work was supported by the Official Language Support Program of the Department of Canadian Heritage and the Bilingual Ottawa program of the Association Communautés Francophone d'Ottawa.

Home Networks & Connected Devices

Tip #1

Terms You Should Know: Bandwidth, Usage and Speed

Just because your car's speedometer goes up to 200km/h doesn't mean you can hit it! Similarly, bandwidth is the top speed your plan goes up to. This is often measured in Mbps (megabits per second).

Speed is the rate at which your Internet connection accesses information online. This could be affected by Wi-Fi congestion, the website you're visiting and the amount of devices using the same connection. This is like your car stuck in traffic. Speed is also measured in Mbps.

Usage determines how much Internet you can use in a given period. This is often measured in Gbs (gigabytes). Usage is like the size of your gas tank, it determines how long you can drive. If you have unlimited usage you never have to worry about running out!

Tip #2

Wired vs. Wireless Internet

Have you ever wondered about the difference between wired and wireless (or Wi-Fi) Internet? Or how to maximize speed, convenience and security when connecting at home or in public?

If so, this is the #InternetIntelligence tip for you!

Tip #3

Securing Your Home Network Part 1: Securing Your Modem and Router

When you’re at home, it can be tempting to relax when it comes to worrying about the security of your network. However, your modem and router play an important part in keeping your network, and the devices on it, safe. This #InternetIntelligence tip is here to provide some steps that can be taken to secure the hardware that provides your network at home.

NCF updates all the modems we sell with the latest firmware, turns on the device’s Firewall, and pre-configures a strong administrator password that is unique to you.

Tip #4

Securing Your Home Network Part 2: Securing Your Wi-Fi Connection

Connecting to your own Wi-Fi network at home is more secure than using a public network offering free Wi-Fi, but even your home Wi-Fi can be vulnerable if it’s not configured with security in mind. This #InternetIntelligence tip is here to provide some steps that can be taken to secure your Wi-Fi network.

NCF pre-configures all the modems we sell with strong and long Wi-Fi passwords unique to you, the strongest available wireless encryption turned on, and a Wi-Fi network name that does not reveal any information about you.

Tip #5

NCF App Spotlight: Fing

Fing is an #InternetIntelligence approved app! Fing tells you what you need to know about your Wi-Fi network, like what devices are using it, when new devices connect, and even sends alerts about connectivity issues. It’s available for Windows and macOS, as well as mobile devices.

This app recommendation is not sponsored content. We will not receive any compensation for this post.

Tip #6

Improving the Performance of Your Internet Connection

Part 1: Reducing Bandwidth Congestion

If you notice your internet connection slowing, start with the simplest fixes. First, assess how many devices are using your connection, and disconnect some if you can. If that’s not possible, or you don’t see any improvement, you might want to consider upgrading your internet connection.

Tip #7

Improving the Performance of Your Internet Connection

Part 2: Reducing Wi-Fi Congestion

Wi-Fi is a blessing but congestion can make it feel like a curse! If your connection is experiencing any of these symptoms, this #InternetIntelligence tip includes four ways to improve the stability and speed of your Wi-Fi connection at home.

Tip #8

Being Smart with Connected Devices

It’s important to use your #InternetIntelligence when adding connected devices to your home network because some smart devices come with little to no built-in security features, making them vulnerable to malware and hacking.

In 2016, hundreds of thousands of compromised connected devices were pulled into a botnet called Mirai. This led to a large-scale attack which resulted in the temporary shutdown of major websites such as Netflix, Spotify and PayPal.