Posted May 31, 2022 | Minutes


NCF Board of Directors
Minutes of Meeting
March 29, 2022


Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors

The meeting was called to order at 7:09 p.m. with Anis Hanna as Chair and Graeme Beckett as Secretary for the meeting.


Board members present:
Anis Hanna (gb499) Chair
Andrea Holland (es170) 1st vice Chair
Peter MacKinnon (fr198) 2nd Vice-Chair
Emmanuel Adenlolu (gc476) Treasurer
Graeme Beckett (aw958) Secretary
Christopher Cope (bz787)
Martin Dubois (al432)
Majd Karam (gc029)
Michael Chan (ga869)

Lauren Gardner (fy923)
Lindsay Carreau (gc034)

NCF Management/Staff present

Executive Director: Shelley Robinson


Once around the table.
Informal pre-meeting conversation, with Directors taking turn offering personal views and commentary on interesting things that might not make it to the Agenda.

  1. Confirmation of Quorum

    Quorum was confirmed.
  2. Review of the Agenda

    Motion: To adopt the agenda as circulated.
    Proposer: Emmanuel Adenlolu (gc476)
    Seconder: Andrea Holland (es170)
    The motion was carried.
  3. Review of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting

    Minutes accepted as circulated.
    1. Regular board meeting February 22, 2022

      Motion: To approve the minutes of February 22, 2022.
      Proposer: Majd Karam (gc029)
      Seconder: Christopher Cope (bz787)
      The motion was carried.
  4. Reports
    1. Executive Director's Report (Shelley Robinson)

      Shelley distributed her ED report in advance of the meeting for both the open and in-camera sessions of the meeting.

      Select Highlights from the public portion of the Executive Director's Report

      Total members (Mar 1/22): 4828


      ● Fabian Maldonado and Chelsey Gero have both started on the HelpDesk.
      ● Zimbra webmail software has been updated to address a security threat.

      Covid 19

      ● NCF COVID-19 Safety Plan, regularly updated: www.ncf.ca/covid19
      ● HelpDesk available in-office: Monday-Saturday 10am-5pm
      ● Remote HelpDesk hours: Monday-Friday 10am-7pm, Saturday-Sunday 10am-5pm.
      ● Staff must wear KN95 masks in the office. We encourage members to wear masks as well.
      ● Only one member group in the office at one time.


      ● The Executive Director sent out pricing announcing to members announcing that we’re holding firm!
      CTV ad of our Digital Equity campaign funded by United Way released.
      ● Launched our #DigitalEquityTuesdays social media campaign on our Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram
      ● Marketing committee is looking for those with marketing experience to join.

      Motion: To move in-camera.
      Proposer: Majd Karam (gc029)
      Seconder: Andrea Holland (es170)
      The motion was carried.

      Motion: To receive the Executive Director's report.
      Proposer: Peter MacKinnon (fr198)
      Seconder: Emmanuel Adenlolu (gc476)
      The motion was carried.
  5. Ongoing Business
    1. Strategic Objectives Refresh (Shelley Robinson - in-camera)

      The strategic refresh was conducted in-camera.
    2. Marketing Committee Report

      The marketing report was provided in-camera.
    3. Marketing Committee Update (Anis Hannah)

      The update from the marketing committee was conducted in-camera.
  6. New Business
    1. Member Survey Review (Shelley Robinson in-camera)

      This item was conducted in-camera.
    2. 2022 Nominations Discussion (Michael Chan in-camera)

      Nominations discussion was conducted in-camera.
    3. Governance Committee First Meeting Update (Majd Karam)

      Governance was conducted in-camera.

      Motion: To move out of camera.
      Proposer: Peter MacKinnon (fr198)
      Seconder: Christopher Cope (bz787)
      The motion was carried.
    4. 2022 AGM Planning Discussion and Proposed AGM Dates

      Majd Karam volunteered to take on the roles of the AGM chair and Returning Officer.

      May-18 Tue Nomination period start
      May-31 Tue Deadline for special motions
      May-31 Tue Nomination period ends
      Jun-8 Wed AGM starts
      Jun-15 Wed AGM ends

      Motion: To nominate Majd Karam as the AGM Chair and Returning Officer for the 2022 Annual General Meeting.
      Proposer: Peter MacKinnon (fr198)
      Seconder: Christopher Cope (bz787)
      The motion was carried.
  7. Announcements
    1. The next Marketing Committee meeting: Tuesday, April 12th at 7 pm.
    2. The next Governance Committee meeting, Tuesday, April 5th, at 5:30 pm.
  8. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled to be April 26, 2022 at 7 pm.
Location: Electronic meeting.

  1. Adjournment

    The meeting adjourned at 8:59 pm.

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