Posted March 7, 2022 | Minutes


NCF Board of Directors
Minutes of Meeting
July 27, 2021 


Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. with Chris Cope as Chair and Graeme Beckett as Secretary for the meeting.


Board members present:
Anis Hanna (gb499) Chair
Andrea Holland (es170) 1st vice Chair
Peter MacKinnon (fr198) 2nd Vice-Chair
Emmanuel Adenlolu (gc476) Treasurer
Graeme Beckett (aw958) Secretary
Lauren Gardner (fy923)
Martin Dubois (al432)
Michael Chan (ga869)
Majd Karam (gc029)
Lindsay Carreau (gc034)

Christopher Cope (bz787)

NCF Management/Staff present:
Executive Director: Shelley Robinson


Once around the table.
Informal pre-meeting conversation, with Directors taking turn offering personal views and commentary on interesting things that might not make it to the Agenda.

  1. Confirmation of Quorum

    Quorum was confirmed.
  2. Review of the Agenda

    Motion: To adopt the agenda as circulated.
    Proposer: Peter MacKinnon (fr198)
    Seconder:  Majd Karam (gc029)
    The motion was carried.
  3. Review of the Minutes of the Previous Meetings

    Minutes accepted as circulated.
    1. June 14, 2021

      Motion: To adopt the minutes of the June 14 meeting as circulated.
      Proposer: Emmanuel Adenlolu (gc476)
      Seconder: Majd Karam (gc029)
      The motion was carried.
  4. Reports  
    1. Executive Director's Report (Shelley Robinson)

      Shelley distributed her ED report in advance of the meeting for both the open and in-camera sessions of the meeting.

      Select Highlights from the public portion of the Executive Director's Report

      May 1/21: 3000/2709
      Jun 1/21: 2991/2697
      Jul 1/21: 2948/2653

      Jul 1/20: 3204/2903 without CAF
      Jul 1/19: 3331/3048 without CAF
      Jul 1/18: 3345/2967 without CAF
      Jul 1/17: 3198/3061 without CAF
      Jul 1/16: 3067/no CAF
      Jul 1/15: 2972/no CAF

      ●  We posted, interviewed and hired three summer students: Lily An and Tom Lumsden are both
      working on the HelpDesk and Nelson Odutola is the Community Connectivity Support.
      ●  The only new DSL modems we are currently offering is the SmartRG 516.
      ●  Because of the global chip shortage, we also have limited cable modem options.
      ● Cable beta is complete.

      Communications and Advocacy:
      ● We held the annual online Annual General Meeting: 159 voters.
      ● On the AGM discussion group four members asked for a virtual in-person AGM.
      ●  266 members responded to our cable internet survey.
      ●  Held a third Digital Equity Ottawa meeting, this time with a focus on connected devices.

      Covid 19
      ●  NCF COVID-19 response: www.ncf.ca/coronavirus
      ●  HelpDesk hours: Monday-Friday 10am-7pm, Saturday 10am-5pm.
      ● Office hours: Monday-Friday: 10am-5pm.
      ●  Masks must be worn in the office at all times.
      ●  Following national and local health guidelines we’re encouraging office staff to use the three-layer medical masks we provide, rather than their own
      ●  We have two extra-large air purifiers for the office: one for the office and one for the HelpDesk area
      ●  Only one member/member group in the office at a time, chairs are in the hallway spaced more than 2m apart
      ●  many staff are still working remotely to ensure staff can maintain appropriate social distance in the office.
      ● We have a daily office cleaning checklist.
      ●  We have a plexiglass shield for the front desk and a washable plastic cover for the debit machine.
      ●  We now have hand sanitizer, gloves, lots of cleaning fluid, hand soap and face masks.
      ●  We encourage members to use the lockbox (during and outside of office hours) for modem and payment drop-off.
      ● We encourage members with no payment method on file to use forms of payment that don’t require them to come to the office in person. We continue to accept cash.

      Motion: To move in-camera.
      Proposer: Peter MacKinnon (fr198)
      Seconder: Majd Karam (gc029)
      The motion was carried.

      Motion: To receive the Executive Director's report..
      Proposer: Lauren Gardner (fy923)
      Seconder: Majd Karam (gc029)
      The motion was carried.
  5. Ongoing Business
    1. Cable Alpha and Beta Test Synopsis (Shelley Robinson - in-camera)

      Motion: To dissolve the cable marketing committee.
      Proposer:    Emmanuel Adenlolu (gc476)
      Seconder:   Michael Chan (ga869)
      The motion was carried.
  6. New Business 
    1. Boosting the Signal: Digital Equity in Ottawa (Shelley Robinson - in-camera)

      This item was discussed in-camera.
    2. Discussion Topics/Deep Dives (Shelley Robinson - in-camera)

      Discussion item topics for deep dives were deferred to later meetings.

      Motion: To move out of camera.
      Proposer: Peter MacKinnon (fr198)
      Seconder:  Emmanuel Adenlolu (gc476)
      The motion was carried.
    3. Election of Officers

      Following a round of discussion and inquiries on the positions available, the following motion was made.

      Motion: To appoint Anis Hanna as Chair, Andrea Holland as 1st vice Chair, Peter MacKinnon as 2nd Vice-Chair, Emmanuel Adenlolu as Treasurer and Graeme Beckett as Secretary.
      Proposer:    Emmanuel Adenlolu (gc476)
      Seconder:   Michael Chan (ga869)
      The motion was carried.
  7. Announcements
    1. There were no NCF announcements.
  8. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled to be July 20th, 2021 and was subsequently revised to August 24th 2021 at 7pm.
Location: Electronic meeting.
NCF Offices are located at Suite 206 Richmond Square, 1305 Richmond Rd.

  1. Adjournment

    The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

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