National Capital FreeNet / Libertel de la Capitale nationale

NCF Board of Directors
Minutes of Meeting
September 23, 2012 


Minutes of a teleconference meeting of the Board of Directors

The meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m. with Gary Eikenberry as Chair and Graeme Beckett as Secretary.


Board members present:
Gary Eikenberry (aa353) President
Doug Hull (aa800) 1st Vice-president
Graeme Beckett (aw958) Secretary
Christopher Cope (bz787)
Mike Kelly (fm342)
Amy Yee (fp017)

Alan McRae (fl334) Treasurer
Peter MacKinnon (fr198) 2nd Vice-president
Ken McCarthy (fr786)
Michael Weiss (ft850)
Tom Moore (fw054)

NCF Management/Staff present:
Ross Kouhi (ah455), Executive Director

Jim Elder (aa456)
Shirley Yik (ac895)

Once around the table . . .
Informal pre-meeting conversation, with Directors taking turn offering personal views and commentary on interesting things that might not make it to the Agenda.

  1. Confirmation of Quorum

    Quorum was confirmed.
  2. Notice of Meeting  

    Waive the 14 day ‘notice of meeting’ provision of Bylaw 11

    MOTION: That the normal notice period for meetings of the Board be waived
    Moved by: Christopher Cope (bz787)
    Seconded by: Doug Hull (aa800)
    VOTE: All in favor. 
    VOTE: Adopted

  3. Executive Director Search Committee Report (Mike Kelly)

    MOTION: To move in camera.
    Moved by: Graeme Beckett (aw958)
    Seconded by: Christopher Cope (bz787)
    VOTE All in favor.
    VOTE: Adopted

    The Search Committee report and Executive Director compensation was discussed in camera.

    MOTION: To move out of camera..
    Moved by: Graeme Beckett (aw958)
    Seconded by: Christopher Cope (bz787)
    VOTE All in favor.
    VOTE: Adopted

    To receive the report of the Executive Director Search Committee.
    Moved by: Doug Hull (aa800)
    Seconded by: Graeme Beckett (aw958)
    VOTE All in favor.
    VOTE: Adopted

    The Board authorizes an offer of employment for the discussed amount to hire Curtis Taylor as Executive Director.
    Moved by: Graeme Beckett (aw958)
    Seconded by:  Christopher Cope (bz787)
    VOTE All in favor.
    VOTE: Adopted

    To receive the report of the Executive Director Search Committee.
    Moved by:  Christopher Cope (bz787)
    Seconded by: Graeme Beckett (aw958)
    VOTE All in favor.
    VOTE: Adopted
  4. Additional business (Gary Eikenberry) 

    Official "thank you" to out outgoing ED, Ross Kouhi.

    MOTION: The Board wishes to acknowledge and thank Ross Kouhi for his significant contribution to NCF during his regrettably short tenure as Executive Director! His greatest accomplishment has been steering the NCF through a challenging transition which has simplified our DSL provisioning and support arrangements, to establish a more secure and predictable long term financial foundation. Amongst other significant advances at the helm, Ross has rationalized internal office procedures as well as revitalized volunteer involvement and set a course which has us well positioned as we move forward into our next 20 years!
    Moved by Christopher Cope (bz787)
    Seconded by Graeme Beckett (aw958)
    VOTE: Adopted
  5. Date of Next Meeting

    The next regular meeting will be October 23, 2012, NCF Offices, Suite 302 Trailhead Building.

  6. Adjournment

    The meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m.

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