The National Capital FreeNet
Executive Committee
July 9, 2002
Prepared by: Chris Cope (bz787)
July 16, 2002
The National Capital FreeNet Executive Committee met on the 9th of July 2002 at Master's Brew Pub, 330 Queen St. Ottawa.
Committee members present: Chris Cope (bz787)
Sandy Campbell (dt820)
Gary Eikenberry (aa353)
Andrea Holland (es170)
Ian MacEachern (bi207)
Regrets: Gibby Armstrong (et091)
Chris Cope, acting as Chair (and Secretary) called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM.
The following matters were discussed:
Action Item: The Executive Director and Treasurer
will prepare a revised financial forecast.
MacEachern also discussed a project to develop a comprehensive marketing plan by extracting the best ideas from three different reports. The Committee commended this activity, but suggested that the final plan ought to be an “executable” plan rather than a strategy definition.
Action Item: The Executive Director will develop and implement a plan to market NCF to existing and potential new members, and in particular to disseminate information about recent service improvements.
4. Complaints Resolution Committee: It was noted that The Board Liaison to the Complaints Resolution Committee was now vacant. David Millman had held the position until his recent resignation from the Board.
Action Item: Appointment of a CRC Board Liaison will be discussed at the next NCF Board meeting.